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Solve 2014 Education Question Paper | Class-12 |

2014 solve question paper

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  • Solve Education Question Paper 2014 Class-12.

Solve Education Question Paper 2014 Class-12.


Full marks: 100
Pass marks: 30
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
  1. No. 1 carries 1 marks each… 1 x 12 = 12
  2. No. 2 carries 2 marks each … 2 x 12 = 24
  3. No. 3 carries 4 marks each..  4 x 10 = 40
  4. No. 4 carries 6 marks each….  6 x 4 = 24
                                                               Total = 100

1. Answer the following questions: (any twelve):  1 x 12 = 12

Fill in the Blanks:
(a) ‘Assam Secondary Education Act’ was passed in _____________ .

Ans: In 1961.

(b) The name of the first open university in India is ______________ .

Ans: Dr. B.R Ambedkar Andra Pradesh Open University.

(c) International Women’s Day is observed on ____________ .

Ans: Every year of 8th March.

(d) According to Thorndike, “learning is a bond between _________ and response”.

Ans : Stimulus (S).

(e) Mental hygiene has three- aspects preventive, curative and ____________ .

Ans: Preservative function.

(f) In assumed mean method, AM is the __________ of any class interval.

Ans: Mean.

Give Short Answer in one sentence :

(g) Which Education Commission suggested the 10+2+3 structure of education.

Ans: Kothari Commission 1964-66.

(h) Who introduced the concept of ‘Population Education’ ?

Ans: Prof. S.R. Wayland of Columbia University introduced the concept of ‘Population Education’.

(i) Which method of learning establishes bond between natural tendency and artificial stimulus ?

Ans: Classical Conditioning Method of Learning.

(j) Why recognition is easier than recall ?

Ans: Yes, Recognition is easier than recall because recognition is an act of verifying the correctness of the remembered facts which helps to students generally while answering objective types tests.

(k) “We attend to a small stain on a white wall”. Why ?

Ans: If one’s mentally not ready to pay attention but his mind his drawn towards that stimulant by the strong attractive capacity then we attend to a small stain on a white wall.

(l) Write the formula for finding out Median from group data.

Ans: In group data, The formula of Median is-

2. What is ‘Operation Blackboard’ ?         2

Ans: Operation Blackboard is a centrally funded programme was launched in 1987 soon after the Rajiv Gandhi National Education Policy that released to provide in the nation with the minimum required necessary service. The purpose of the scheme is to provide the requisite institutional equipment and educational material for students studying in primary organization to improve their education.

3. What does it mean ‘Vocationalization of Education’ ?         2

Ans: In simple term, Vocationalization of Education means the education which prepares people to work individuals to be self employed with requisite skill to move forward in their careers is known as ‘Vocationalization of Education’.

4. Write a brief note on ‘Assam Higher Secondary Education Council’.        2

Ans: Government of Assam constituted Assam Higher Secondary Education Council in 1984 on the basis of the recommendation of Kothari Commission transferred from Secondary Education Board of Assam. Presently Higher Secondary courses and examinations are controlling by Assam Higher Secondary Education Council .

5. What is Distance Education ?    2

Ans: Distance Education is nothing but it is a system of providing education which is imparted to students through mass media, correspondence courses and other audio-visual materials from a distance who are unable to attend classroom lecture and wished to enhance their qualification is known as Distance Education.

6. Difference between over-learning and relearning.   2


Distinguish between ‘trial and error’ and ‘insightful learning’.

Ans: The difference between ‘Trial and Error method’ and ‘Insightful method’ of learning are mentioned below:

(i) Trial and Error method of learning is described as blind mechanical method of learning. On the other hand, Insightful method of learning avoids blind mechanical process of ‘trial and error’ method of learning.

(ii) Trial and Error method of learning based on the theory of connectionism, While Insightful method of learning based on gestalt theory.

7. What is span of memory ?     2

Ans: When something is reproduced after learning to retain and recall information within a short period of time for information to be stored in long term memory as well is known as span memory. For example : recalling numbers, letters, words, or images after seeing of hearing them.

8. “Forgetting is a blessing”. Explain.     2

Ans: ( Check 2017 solving questions no. 9 answer).

9. What is transitory interest ? Give an example. 1+1=2

Ans: Transitory interest are those interest which are only a short time interest. This type of interest is motivated by some temporary force at a particular point of time and it is situational nature. For example: Our interest in the morning newspaper is an example of transitory interest.

10. Write the concept of mental hygiene. 2

Ans: The combination word ‘mental hygiene’ is a science that attempt to develop and apply principles and techniques for the preservation and promotion of mental heath as well as for the prevention and treatment of mental disorder, disease and other abnormalities, leading to an adequate adjustment and balanced development of one’s personality.

11. Mention two measures that a school can adopt to prevent mental health program.   2

Ans: The two measures that a school can adopt to prevent mental health program which are mention below:

(i) The school should always put special importance on  health education to develop all the psycho-physical capabilities and qualities of the human child.

(ii) It should give importance to know the causes and the measures of getting relief from the problems of mental illness to realise of all the values to lead a peaceful life and for a batter balanced society.

12. Write two difference between polygon and histogram.    2

Ans: The two difference between polygon and histogram are:

(i) The frequency polygon is a line graph of the given frequency distribution whereas, Histogram is essentially the bar graph of the distribution.

(ii) In the frequency polygon, all of the scores within given interval are represented by the midpoint of the interval. But in a histogram the scores are spread uniformly over the entire interval.

13. What is Mode ? In a distribution, M= 35 and Mdn= 43, find out Mode. 1+1=2

Ans: The number of scores that occurs in the list several times which is known as Mode.


As we know that the formula of Mode is

Mode= 3 Median – 2 Mean

           = 3 x 43 – 2 x 35

           = 129 – 70

           = 59

14. Mention four major problems of secondary education in Assam.    4

Ans: The four major problems of secondary education in Assam are :

(i) Inappropriate Curriculum:

The school curriculum is not appropriate, not related to the real and practical life to fulfil the needs of the students as well as of the society. This follow the curriculum mechanically without interest, curiosity, understanding or appreciations.

(ii) Defective Text book:

The quality of text books, teachers guides and teaching materials is not satisfactory.

iii. Improper evaluation system:

The evaluation system of secondary education is not free from evil. It is basically dominated by external examination.

(iv) Lack of capable teacher:

The quality of teaching stuff in schools is not satisfactory. In many of the privately managed schools the situation is dangerous.

15. What are the suggestions made by the Kothari Commission to relate productivity with education.    4

Ans: Ans: The suggestions made by the Kothari Commission to relate productivity with education are :

(i) The Kothari Commission suggested Education should be job oriented and greater importance should be given to education in agriculture, science, industrial and technical subjects.

(ii) In place of bookish knowledge, Education greater importance should be attached to the acquisition of practical knowledge and skills.

16. What is the importance of environmental education ? Explain. 4

Ans: The importance of Environmental Education are briefly discussed following the below:

(i) Environmental education helps to develop an awareness of environment sensitivity (feeling and attitudes) to the total environment and its allied problems.

(ii) It helps in acquiring knowledge and variety of experience of the environment and associated problems.

(iii) It helps to develop a basic understanding of structure, process and problems of environment, interdependence of environmental components.

(iv) It help in acquiring skills for identifying, assessing and solving environmental problems.

17. Describe four measures for providing physical education in school.    4

Ans: The four measures for providing physical education in school are mentioned below:

(i) NCERT in ‘National Curriculum Framework for School Education, 2000” introduced ‘Games and Sports’, ‘Yoga and Meditation’, ‘Scouting, Guiding, NCC and Red- Cross.’

(ii) Physical Education should be included in the first ten(10) years of school education.

(iii) At upper primary stage: Exercises, gymnastics, yoga, judo, drill, scouting and guiding should be introduced.

(iv) At the high school stage: athletic, gymnastics, yoga, meditation, swimming, etc are to be included in the course of physical education.

(v) Camping and various team games and completions should be introduced in both upper and high school stage like – NCC, guiding, scouting, social service should be added to the compulsory programmes of physical education.

18. Distinguish between learning and maturation.     4

Ans: The distinguish between Maturation and Learning are mentioned below:

(a) Learning is a result of Environmental Stimulus. On the other hand, Maturation is biological in nature.

(b) Maturation occurs due to neural and muscular development, whereas Learning takes place through practice and experience.

19. Mention four characteristics of good memory.    4

Ans: The four characteristics of good memory are :

(i)  Rapidity or Ability to learn quickly and easily:

It means that how accurately a person can recall his experience. If he is able to do so that he has a good memory.

(ii) Accuracy or Accurate and reproduction:

It means that how accurately a person can recall his past experience. If he is able to reproduce his past learning without any mistake, it means that he has a good memory.

iii. Long retention:

It means that how long a person can retain his past experience and recall them when it is required. if he is able to do that then he has a good memory.

(iv) Ability to serve:

A good memory must have ability to serve as and when necessary. If a student is not able to recall his learning at the time of examination, his memory will be considered weak. So that service ability is also a mark of good memory.

20. Explain the relationship between attention and interest. 4

Ans: In view of the close relation between attention and interest different psychologist have given different point of view:

           Mc. Dougal in his book ‘An outline of psychology’ stated that “Interest is latent attention and attention is interest in action.” He said that long attention remains hidden in our mind, that state may be called interest. The same latent or hidden interest when becomes active, it is called attention. Thus according to Mc. Dougal attention and interest are very closely associated.

          Again J.S Ross in his book ‘Groundwork of Educational Psychology ’ stated attention and interest are like ‘two sides of the same coin.’ As interest creates attention and also attention when put voluntary can develop interest.

         On the other hand, educational point of view attention and interest are regarded as both ‘means and ends’ in education because academic achievement of students primarily depends upon these two factors. Which motivates once to learn something. Hence it may be called ‘means; in education.

           Again modern educationists are of the opinion that a teacher primarily duty is to develop attention and interest in students and interest in students for self learning so that may called ‘ends’ in education.

           So therefore, from the point of view of different psychologist and educationalists we can say that both attention and interest are both related each other and also can say that both are the two sides of the same coin.

21. Mention four characteristics of a mentally healthy person.    4

Ans: The four characteristics a mentally healthy individual are mentioned below:

(i) Mentally healthy individual have strong personality.

(ii) They are emotionally stable.

(iii) They have no any major adjustment problems.

(iv) They are physically healthy people.

22. What is frequency distribution table ? Discuss.      4

Ans: The scores of data which are tabulated in a frequency table is known as frequency distribution. For constructing a frequency distribution table the following steps are essentials:

(i) Determination of Range:

Firstly, We should find out the range of raw scores. Range refers to the difference between the highest and the lowest scores.

(ii) Class-Interval:

After finding the range, Secondly we should determined the class-interval. The class-interval depends upon the range and the number of interval required according to the range of the scores.

(iii) Midpoint of the class-interval:

The third stage, the midpoint of interval is the logical choice that the scores are represented with in a given class-interval by some single value.

(iv) Tallies:

Next forth stage, we should make tallies. A tally represent a scores that lies in anyone particular class-interval.

(v) Frequencies:

At the final stage, we should make the tallies and given the number of frequencies. The total number of frequencies is the same as the total number of scores. We represent by ‘N’ the total number of frequencies.

23. Draw a pie diagram from the following data :    4


Represent the following data by bar-diagram:    4

 Class              No. of Boys      No. of Girls 

Class-I                    24                     36           

Class- II                  28                     16

Class- III                 38                     24

Class-IV                  40                     26


24. What is No-formal Education ? Discuss about its characteristics. 6

Ans: Non-formal Education is one type of education which is imparted systematically like formal education but here teaching is not controlled by evaluation that is why this type of education is called Non-formal Education. For example Distance Education like – KKHSOU, IDOL, IGNOU etc.

     The salient characteristics of Non-formal Education are mentioned below:

i. Non formal Education is organised education outside the formal education.

ii. It is a cost effective system of education.

iii. It has flexible point of entry and exit.

iv. It is a life long system of education.

v. It has no age limit.

vi. It encourages self learning.

vii. It may be full time or part time learning and one can earn and learn together.

25. What do you mean by value education ? What measures can we adopt for imparting value education in school.   2+4=6

Ans: Value Education refers to the form of education that covers all aspects of personality development which endeavours the values of moral, aesthetic, intellectual, social, and spiritual development for the good of the society and the individual life is called Value Education.

The following activities should be undertaken for imparting value education in school:

(i) Pre-primary stage:

Education at the pre-school stage consists in the upbringing of infants in home atmosphere. Attempts should be made to cultivate virtues of affection, love, truthfulness, and obedience at this stage of education.

(ii) Primary stage:

At primary stage, affection for all love for the country, truthfulness in behaviour, obedience to elders, curiosity for knowledge and appreciation of nature should be cultivated.

(iii) Junior high school:

At the junior high school stage straight forwardness, frankness, uprightness, affection and kindness for all sense of rendering help to other on times of need should be cultivated. Foundation should be laid for the formation of character and cultivation of qualities of leadership at this stage.

(iv) Secondary stage:

At the secondary stage, love for all mankind, preliminary knowledge of different aspects of nature, kindness and help to all living beings, dignity of natural labour, respect for the constitution of the country, sense of maintaining country’s independence, freedom of thought speak and action in the just and right context and interest for the defence of the country should be cultivated.

26. What are the primary laws of learning ? Discuss about the educational significance of any one of these laws of learning. 3+3=6

Ans: There are three primary laws of learning which is formulated by  Edward Lee Thorndike. These are :

(1) Laws of Readiness

(2) Law of Effect

(3) Law of Exercise

    The educational significance of one primary laws of learning discussed under the below :

(1) Laws of Readiness:

This laws emphasizes the importance of readiness to learn. Readiness depends on maturation and experience of the learner simultaneously. When a pupil feels to learn, he or she can learn more quickly and effectively. But when he or she not ready to learn, he or she can not learn effectively so that according to Thorndike physical readiness is necessary for learning.

It’s Educational Implication:

Educational Implication of law of readiness are pointed below in the following below:

i. If learners are not ready to learn in the class, the teacher should not teach them at all.

ii. The teacher should know the appropriate physical situation of the students before going to teach a lesson.

iii. The teacher should tried to motivate to be prepared to learn.

27. Find out quartile deviation from the following distribution table :   1+5=6

Class interval   Frequency

50-54                    4

45-49                    2

40-44                    6

35-39                    8

30-34                    2

25-29                    6

20-24                    4

15-19                    4

10-14                    4

                      N = 40

Solution :

Class interval   Frequency    CF (Cumulative Frequency)

50-54                    4                 40  

45-49                    2                 36

40-44                    6(fm)        34(Q_3)                                            

35-39                    8                 28(CF)                                    

30-34                    2                 20

25-29                    6                 18

20-24                    4(fm)        12 (Q_1)

15-19                    4                  8 (CF)

10-14                    4                  4

                      N = 40

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