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Lord Curzon's Educational Policy

1. Introduction of Lord Curzon's Policy

Ans: It was at this critical time in 1899 that Lord Curzon came to India as the Viceroy. He came India to strengthen and develop the British Empire.

     Soon after his arrival Curzon was a man of determination and efficient administrator that attracted his attention was the prevailing condition of education in India and its drawbacks.

   In order to raise the efficiency and to improve the general standard of education, He called a conference of the Directors of Public Instruction at Shimla in 1901 where Lord Curzon presided over the meeting. The meeting discussed the existing situation of Indian Education from primary to higher level, its defects and proposals for reform.

     Keeping in view of the poor quality and quantity of education, Lord Curzon had realised the need of improving primary education in the country.

2. Mention and briefly discussed six important suggestions given by Lord Curzon regarding Primary Education in India.


What suggestions were given in Lord Curzon’s educational policy regarding the development of elementary education in India.


Discuss and comment on Lord Curzon’s policy on Primary Education.


Discuss the Educational Policy of Lord Curzon with reference to primary education.

Ans: Following are the important suggestions or recommendations given by Lord Curzon’s Policy on Primary Education in India:

i. Giving- grant-in-aid :

He made liberal grant system to remove the major hurdle of financial strife in primary education.

ii. Giving up the system of Payment-by-results :

He remove discriminatory system of payment by result for primary education.

iii. Training for teachers :

He emphasised on training of the primary teachers for qualitative improvement which should not be less than two years.

iv. Reform in Curriculum :

He tried to improve primary curriculum by including agriculture and physical education as a subjects of study.

v. Improved method of teaching :

He wanted to modernise our system of education like by introducing Kindergarten method.

(vi) Improvement of Teacher’s pay :

He tried to make pay scale of primary teachers to equal level throughout the country.

(vii) He had tried to remove traditionalism in our primary education and tried to make it more useful, practical and modern.

3. Write short note on Lord Curzon's Policy on Secondary Education.

Ans: In the field of secondary education, Lord Curzon just observed the recommendation of the Indian Education Commission of 1882 had outlived their utility for the improvement of secondary schools if it required. As regard policy on secondary education, Lord Curzon adopted the following measures:

i. For raising the efficiency of government schools, large grants were sanctioned to provincial governments.

ii. Training institutions for secondary school teachers were increased.

iii. For maintaining control the inspectorate was strengthened.

3. Write short note on Lord Curzon's Policy on Vocational Education.

Ans: It was under Lord Curzon that he organized the Department of Agriculture and established at Pusha a central Research Institute to give the highest training in agriculture in India itself where he suggested the following on vocational education :

(i) Expansion of Vocational and Agriculture Education:

Lord Curzon gave a great fillip to the expansion of vocational and agriculture education under the departments of agriculture.

(ii) staffed Agricultural College:

He also suggested that All the provinces of India must have a properly equipped and properly staffed Agricultural College.

(iii) Subject of Agriculture:

He suggested that agriculture should be included as a subject of study in the middle and high schools.

(iv) Scholarship for higher education:

He also instituted a large number of scholarship for sending Indian students for technological studies to the foreign countries.

(v) School of Art:

He also recognized the School of Art.

Related Post Just Click Here : Gopal Krishna Gokhale’s Bill 1910-11 on Primary, Secondary and Indigenous Education.
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