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Stages of Human Development



Growth and Development

1. What is Growth and Development?

Ans: Changes in the quantitative aspects are called ‘Growth’. It means the term ‘Growth’ refers to the changes in physical sense like- increase in size, length, height and weight, etc.

        On the other hand, Changes in both qualitative as well quantitative aspects of human life is called ‘Development’ it implies overall changes In shape, form or structure resulting in improved working or functioning.

2. Find out the difference between growth and development.

Ans: The difference between growth and development are mentioned below:

3. Mention four principles of development.

Ans: The four principles of development are:

(a) Principle of continuity.

(b) Principle of Individual difference.

(c) Principle of interrelation.

(d) Principle of proceeding from general to specific response.

4. Write four characteristics of Development.

Ans: The four characteristics of development are mentioned below:

i. Development is a continues, comprehensive and long term process.

ii. Development is predictable.

iii. The rate and speed of development can not be uniform and regular.

iv. It is both quantitative as well as qualitative.

v. Development process is influenced by hereditary and environment factor both.

vi. Different individuals have different pattern of growth and development.

5. Mention two basic elements of development.

Ans: The two basic elements of development are:

(a) Growth

(b) Maturation

(c) Experience

(d) Social transmission

Infancy Stage

6. What is Infancy?

Ans: The first five years after birth is called Infancy. It means the period from birth to 5 years is the first stage of human life.

7. From where the term ‘Infancy’ was originated?

Ans: The term ‘infancy’ was originated from the “Latin” word ‘infans’ means ‘unable to speak’.

8. Mention four characteristics of Infancy.

Ans: The four characteristics of infancy are mentioned below:

i. Animism

ii. Ego-centricism.

iii. Curiosity.

iv. Dependence.

v. Quick physical growth.

vi. Imitativeness.

9. What is Animism?

Ans: Animism is a typical nature of child’s mental life which belief that objects are inanimate (non-living) have feelings, thoughts, pleasure and pain, joy and sorrow like him and have mental characteristics and qualities of living things. This nature of child’s mental life is called Animism.

  For example: When the child falls on the ground then he begins to cry, when someone hits the ground then he feels pleasure.

10. In which stage is known as ‘Questioning age’?

Ans: Infancy stage.

11. Why do infants frequently ask questions?

Ans: Infants frequently ask questions begins to know and learn language by imitating parent or others.

12. What is the name of the stage from birth to 5 years of age?

Ans: Infancy stage.

13. How many stages of development in human life?

Ans: There are mainly four stages of development in human life.

14. Mention five psycho-physical needs of infancy.

Ans: The fie psycho-physical needs of infancy are mentioned below:

(a) Physical need.

(b) Need of Play.

(c) Need of love.

(d) Need of freedom.

(e) Need of emotional security.

15. Write briefly about the educational provision of infants.

Ans: During infancy, the educational provision should be made keeping in view of their psycho-physical characteristics and need which are mentioned below:

i. Proper care of keeping good health and habit are of primary consideration to them for awakening the dormant qualities of child.

ii. Calm and peaceful environment should be made for education of the child.

iii. Play, music, dance etc. should be the most important which can help to satisfy child’s physical mental, emotional, social and moral development of the child in a comprehensive way.

iv. Importance should be given for the development of child’s thinking, reasoning, and imagination power through use of learning by doing method.

v. Instruction should be given to maintain neat and clean.

Childhood Stage

16. What is Childhood?

Ans: The second stage means the period from 6 to 12 years of age of human development life is called Childhood. This stage is also divided into two periods namely:

(a) Early childhood (From 6-8 years).

(b) Late childhood (From 9-12 years).

17. Which stage is called the ‘schooling age’?

Ans: Childhood stage.

18. Why childhood is called the age of schooling?

Ans: Childhood is called the age of schooling because the child attains requisite mental maturity to exhibit loyalty and subordination to reading and writing at this stage to undergo formal education in school. Therefore, it is called the schooling age.

19. Mention four characteristics of Childhood.

Ans: The four characteristics of childhood are mentioned below:

(a) Gang loyalty (Late childhood).

(b) Homo-sexuality.

(c) Capacity to learn.

(d) Development of creative power (Late childhood).

20. What is Gang Loyalty?

Ans: Gang loyalty means a own group of children where they form certain rules and code of conduct in the gang and uphold them quite faithfully and obediently to select their leader to follow him without violates the rules of the group is called Gang loyalty. They develop a strong sense of loyalty and allegiance to the gang to play outside with their groups.

21. Write briefly about educational provision of Childhood.

Ans: Educational provision should be made according to different characteristics of child which are mentioned in the following points:

i. At this stage, the child becomes realistic and extrovert in nature so that education should be given on real experience on learning by doing.

ii. Preliminary Heath education should be instructed to maintain neat and clean at this stage.

iii. Education should be given according to the interest with love and care of the children. So that the child can learn effectively.

iv. Group play and group activities should be given importance on child’s which can help them in physical and social development.

v. Importance should be given for the development of instinctive behaviour of the children properly.

vi. Educational tour programmes should be arranged to fulfil their curiosity in different important places.

Adolescence Stage

22. What is Adolescence?

Ans: The period which is comprises between 12 to 18/19 years of age means the period of transition between childhood and adulthood is called Adolescence. But this period is also divided into two stages, namely:

(a) Early childhood (12-15 years).

(b) Late childhood (15-18/19 years).

23. From where the term ‘Adolescence’ is originated?

Ans: The term ‘adolescence’ is originated from ‘Latin’ word ‘adolescere’ which means ‘to grow’.

24. Who said, “Adolescence is a period of great stress and strain, storm and strife, storm and stress”?

Ans: Stanley Hall.

25. Who described, “the state of adolescence as a recapitulation of the stage of infancy”?

Ans: Dr. Earnest Jones.

26. Mention two characteristics of Adolescence.

Ans: The two characteristics of adolescence are mentioned below:

(a) Hero- worshiping.

(b) Hetero-sexuality.

27. Mention two psycho-physical needs of adolescence.

Ans: The two psycho-physical needs of adolescence are:

(a) Need of freedom.

(b) Need of social security.

28. Mention four problems of adolescence stage.

Ans: The four problems of adolescence stage are mentioned below:

(a) Sex problem.

(b) Social problem.

(c) Educational problem.

(d) Problem of delinquency.

29. What is Hetero-Sexuality?

Ans: Hetero-Sexuality is a remarkable characteristics of adolescence. Here, Hetero-sexuality means sexually attracted to opposite sex. It means boys who are attracted to girls and girls who are attracted to boys are hetero-sexual. So, therefore we can say that sex life of the adolescence is called Hetero-sexuality.

30. Why Adolescence is called “a period of great stress and strain, storm and strife, storm and stress”? Explain briefly.

Ans: As we know, conscious people in society express both positive and negative attitude towards the adolescents. So that, the ground reality is to called adolescence is ‘a period of great stress and strain, storm and strife, storm and stress’ that if the psycho-physical needs in the boys and girls of the adolescents are reasonably satisfied then it may ensure healthy adjusted and develop positive attitude towards life. On the contrary, if they remain frustrated the stage may naturally create storm and stress in anybody’s life to affect all people in society. Therefore, we can say that the social situation is mainly responsible for creating stress and strain, storm and strife, storm and stress in life of the adolescent.

31. Write briefly about the educational provisions of adolescence.

Ans: Educational provisions should be keeping in view of their psycho-physical needs and problems. So in view of this fact educational provisions for the adolescents may be summarised with the following points:

(i) Educational provision should be provided for art, music, games and sports in their co-curricular programme in school to serve emotional needs of the boys and girls.

(ii) Training for leadership should form part of education through scout, guide and red-cross organisation to develop a sense of discipline, loyalty and obedience among the children.

(iii) Need based educational provision should be provided in school for giving educational, vocational and personal guidance among the students to choose proper path in their life.

(iv) Sex-life provision should be made for sex education in secondary school to remove all illusion and misconception on sex and its related problems.

(v) Social sense of friendship, co-operation and the democratic values of equality and social justice should be promoted in them through active participation in social situations.

(vi) Education for leisure should form an essential part of school programme to develop good hobbies and habits among the students through different co-curricular activities in the school.

32. Discuss the role of parents or home on child’s development.

Discuss briefly about the influence of home on child’s personality.

Ans: Child’s development of desirable qualities in his life is subjective to influences of home environment. Nature of such influences or role of parents may be identified in the following below:

(i) An ideal environment of home must be created with love, affection and understanding by the parents to develop healthy and attractive personality of the child.

(ii) The should also create an environment of freedom and spontaneity at home for their self-expression and development.

(iii) The parents should try to satisfy their psycho-physical needs of children reasonably.

(iv) Parents should give their company to children in the family for maximum limit of time.

(v) Parent should ensure emotional security to children in the family.

(vi) They should be given desirable status, position, honour and recognition in the family.

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