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Chapter- 3

School and It's Organization

Class 11

Important Questions answer

School is the main institution of formal education where knowledge of a wide variety of subjects is provided to the students in the school which may be divided into four stages namely: Pre-primary (3-6 years), Primary (6-9 years), High school or secondary (10-16 years), and Higher secondary (17-19 years). 

So therefore in this chapter, You will find important questions answer to know about:

  • Understand the concept of a school plant and its organization.
  • The various resources required for a school plant.
  • Understand the role of technology in education. 
  • The different types of Students.

1. What is School Plant ?

Ans: School plant is an integral part of learning environment that includes the school building, play grounds, school furniture, apparatus, human resources and other equipment is called School plant.

2. Mention three factors of School plant.

Ans: The three factors of school plant are mention below:

(a) Physical resource.

(b) Human resource.

(c) Curriculum and co-curricular activities.

3. Mention three physical resources for setting up a school plant .

Ans: The three physical resources for setting up a school plant includes the following:

(a) Site or Land.

(b) School building and play ground.

(c) Classroom.

(d) Library.

(e) Science laboratory.

4. Mention five conditions require for selecting site or land for setting a school plant.

Ans: The five conditions require for selecting site or land for setting a school plant are mention below:

(i) The shape of land should be preferably rectangular.

(ii) The site or land should not be very close to main road nor so far from it. But the surroundings of land should be healthy.

(iii) The level of the area or land should be little raised so that water logging does not take place.

(iv) Land should not be near to public place like- bus stand, market place or any place of entertainment like- cinema hall.

(v) There should be scope on land for further expansion in future.

5. Mention five conditions to be kept in while constructing a school building.

Ans: The five conditions to be kept in while constructing a school building are mentioned below:

(i) The school building should be planned and constructed in terms of various academic needs and interest of the students.

(ii) While constructing the school building proper ventilation, provision for light and air should be kept in mind.

(iii) The school building should be constructed in such way like- I,L, T, U, E, or H pattern. But the ‘E’ pattern of school building is most suitable one.

(iv) There should be a good provision of sanitation and supply water.

(v) There should be provision in the school building for indoor games and should have a playground for outdoor games and sports.

6. Who said, “Destiny of the nation is being shaped in her classrooms”.

Ans: D.S Kothari (Commission).

7. Mention five conditions to be kept in mind while constructing a classroom.

Ans: The five conditions to be kept in mind while constructing a classroom are mention below:

(i) Classroom should usually be able to accommodate 50 students and should be spacious so that the teacher may move to every students.

(ii) There should be enough windows for proper lighting and ventilation.

(iii) Benches and desks should be constructed keeping in view of the height of the students and their seating conveniences.

(iv) Size of the classroom should not be too long. It should be square or rectangular in size so that every students can see and hear the teacher conveniently.

(v) The blackboard should be attached to the wall facing of the students and on the back of the teacher’s table.

8. Mention five conditions of a good library.

Ans: The five conditions of a good library are mention below:

(i) If possible library should be constructed at a separate building within the school campus.

(ii) Admission to the library should be restricted, well regulated and disciplined.

(iii) There should be systematic and subject wise arrangement and exhibition of books on the shelves of the library.

(iv) Provision should be made for a spacious reading room attached to the library.

(v) There should be a well qualified librarian.

9. Mention five conditions to be kept in mind while constructing a science laboratory.

Ans: The five conditions to be kept in mind while constructing a science laboratory are mention below:

(i) Science laboratory should be constructed at a particular side of the school building. It should not be located in between the two theoretical class rooms.

(ii) There should be proper seating arrangement of the students inside the laboratory so that the teacher may give necessary instruction to them on their work.

(iii) Arrangement should be made for almirah, shelf etc. in keeping the costly apparatus, models and chemicals safely inside the laboratory.

(iv) Arrangement of instructional materials like- the projectors, screens, films and slides with electrical outfits for giving visual effect of education should be there.

(v) Provision should be made for regular supply of gas, water and electricity to the room.

10. Mention three human resources required for setting up a school plant.

Ans: The three human resources required for setting up a school plant are mentioned below:

(i) Teacher.

(ii) Students.

(iii) Employees.

11. What are the Classification of IQ (Intelligence Quotient) ?

Ans: The classification of IQ are mentioned below:

        IQ                 Classification

Above 140         Genius.

120-140             Very Superior.

110-120             Superior.

90-110               Normal or Average.

80-90                 Dull.

70-80                 Borderline deficiency.

50-70                 Morons.

20-50                 Imbecile.

Below 25           Idiots.

N.B: Children possessing IQ below 50 are not at all fit for any type of Education.

12. Who are physically handicapped Children?

Ans: There are some children who are physically handicapped. They are classified as:

(i) Visually handicapped children:

Children are those who are completely blind or may posses a poor eye sight.

(ii) Aurally handicapped children:

Those children who are totally or partially deaf.

(iii) Speech handicapped children:

Such children those have disorder in voice, stammer, delayed speech problem, etc.

(iv) Orthopaedically handicapped children:

Such children are physically crippled, deformed and disable children who are incapable of leading a normal life.

13. What do you mean by Educational Technology?

Ans: Educational Technology is a branch of knowledge that deals with the application of the available human and non-human resources which provides appropriate solution to the educational problems to improve the process and product of education is known as Educational Technology.

14. From where the term ‘technology’ has been originated?

Ans: The term ‘technology’ has been originated from the two Greek word ‘technic’ means ‘art or skill’ and ‘Logia’ means ‘science or study’. Thus, Technology means the ‘science or study of an art or skill’.

15. Write two characteristics of Educational Technology.

Ans: The two characteristics of Educational Technology are:

(a) Educational technology is the scientific application of scientific knowledge and experience to education.

(b) It involves input, process and output aspects of education.

16. What is Computer?

Ans: Compute is a tool or device of an electronic machine that can perform arithmetic and logical operation at numerous speed. It is also known as an electronic brain or thinking machine.

17. What is the meaning of the word ‘computer’?

Ans: The meaning of the word ‘computer’ is to ‘determine by calculation’.

18. Who invented Computer?

Ans: The computer was invented by Charles Babbage.

19. What is a Laptop computer?

Ans: A computer which is fit inside a briefcase is called a Laptop computer.

20. What is Palmtop computer?

Ans: A computer which fit inside a breast pocket is known as a palmtop computer.

21. Mention four basic parts of a Computer.

Ans: The four basic parts of a Computer are:

(A) Input devices:
The example of Input devices are:

(i) Keyboard.

(ii) Mouse.

(iii) Scanner.

(iv) Joy stick.

(B) Output devices:

The example of Output devices are:

(i) Screen or Monitor.

(ii) Printer.

(iii) Speaker or Headphones.

(C) Central Processing Unit (CPU):

It is also known as the brain of the computer. It controls the operation of all other components such as memory, input and output devices. Its major section are:

(i) Primary memory.

(ii) Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU).

(iii) Control unit.

(D) Storage device:

The example storage devices are:

(i) Floppy Disk: It is a flexible, removable and temporary storage device. It has only minimum storage capacity.

(ii) Hard Disk: It is a non-removable high capacity storage device. It storage capacity is also maximum.

(iii) Compact Disk (CD): It is a portable and reliable storage device. Its capacity is higher than floppy disk but lesser than hard disk. It includes monitor, floppy disk drive, CD-ROM drive, CPU , Speakers, Keyboard, Mouse pad, Mouse, On/Off button, Printer, CD, Joystick.

22. Mention four parts of a Computer Unit.

Ans: A computer unit consist of the following parts:

(a) Monitor.

(b) Keyboard.

(c) System unit.

(d) Mouse.

(e) Printer.

23. Write two characteristics of Computer.

Ans: The two characteristics of Computer are:

(a) The computer is an electronic machine and it is very fast to assist for calculation work.

(b) A Computers can store large amounts of information in its memory.

(c) Computers work in the same manner all the time and it saves lot of time for man.

24. Mention two uses of Computer.

Ans: The two uses of Computer are:

(a) Computer can use as a means of communication to people of the whole world through internet.

(b) It can use for scientific research in hospitals, trade and industries, educational purpose etc.

25. Write four educational advantages of a computer.

Ans: The four educational advantages of a computer are mentioned below:

(i) Computer can help to proceed in learning according to ones own individual rate of progress.

(ii) Computer can train the students in keeping the educational facts, data and information in a more systematic way.

(iii) Computer can motivate the students to spend their leisure time through brain work quite constructively.

(iv) Computer can help for conducting of examination and publication of the result and marksheets in the field of education.

(v) Teacher may undertake necessary educational research and survey work through assistance of the computer.

(vi) Students cumulative record card may be prepared and properly recorded by the teacher with the help of computer.

26. Mention two advantages of computer aided instruction.

Ans: The two advantages of computer aided instruction are:

(a) Computer can assist teachers in the development of instructional materials.

(b) It can help for collecting detailed records of students performance.

27. Write two limitations of using computer in education.

Ans: The two limitations of using computer in education are:

(a) Computer are very expensive, the poor people can not afford to purchase it for their education.

(b) Specially trained teachers will be required to provide such instruction.

28. What is Internet?

Ans: The internet is the communication network that connects together innumerable computers of the world for accessing information. World Wide Web (WWW) is a part of the internet services which can help to provides the fastest, easiest and cheapest means of information communication on the global basis.

29. What is the full form of WWW?

Ans: The full form of WWW is World Wide Web.

30. What is the full form of ARPANET?

Ans: The full form of ARPANET is Advanced Research Projects Administration Network.

31. Write two advantages of internet.

Ans: The two advantages of internet are:

(a) Listening to music.

(b) Playing games.

(c) Reading latest news.

32. Mention two characteristics of Internet.

Ans: The two characteristics of Internet are:

(a) Internet may be said as a network of the networks.

(b) Nobody owns the internet, no country has the authority to control, guide and direct it.

33. What are the components are required to have an access to internet?

Ans: To have an access to internet we need to have the following components:

(a) A computer.

(b) A modem.

(c) A telephone line.

(d) Software to interact with the other components.

(e) Internet Service Provider (ISP).

34. What is E-mail?

Ans: E-mail is an improved electronic method of sending message to people. In simple term,  sending letters through internet is known as E-mail.

35. What is the full form of E-mail?

Ans: The full form of E-mail is Electronic Mail.

36. Write two functions of E-mail.

Ans: The two functions of E-mail are:

(a) Both the sender and the receiver of message must open the e-mail account here in the system.

(b) E-mail users are given here the ‘password’ an identification mark.

(c) Message may be collected on the e-mail box even if the receiver remains absent at the moment.

37. Write two advantages of E-mail.

Ans: Following are the two advantages of E-mail:

(a) E-mail is very fast as compared to postal services.

(b) No postage stamp is required.

38. What is the full form of CD-ROM?

Ans: The full form of CD-ROM is Compact Disk- Read Only Memory.

39. What is a Web-site?

Ans: A Web-site is collection of web pages which includes text, images, sound, and videos in a document on the web which helps to draw necessary information.

40. What is the first page of a web-site known as?

Ans: The first page of a web-site known as ‘Home page’.

41. Mention two characteristics of Web-site.

Ans: The two characteristics of Web-site are:

(a) Website is a place or location on the world wide web, where all types of information are contained.

(b) The first introductory page is called ‘home page’ and the specific information of additional pages are called ‘child page’.

42. What is the full form of URL?

Ans: The full form of URL is Uniform Resources Locator.

43. What is Teleconferencing?

Ans: Teleconferencing is a new step of modern technology towards the improved communication of knowledge and exchange of ideas at the national and international level.

44. Write the three name of Teleconferencing.

Ans: Following are the three name of teleconferencing:

(a) Audio teleconferencing.

(b) Video teleconferencing.

(c) Computer teleconferencing.

45. Write four educative value of using Teleconferencing.

Ans: Following are the four educative value of using teleconferencing:

(i) If used effectively this medium can prove to be one of the most efficient agencies of education.

(ii) This medium can creates interest in the minds of the students based on discussion.

(iii) It helps the students to ask questions to the instructor and get immediate answer.

(iv) It can be adjusted according to the number of students.

46. Mention two advantages of Educational Technology.

Ans: The two advantages of educational technology are:

(i) Educational helps to develop the scope and quality of education.

(ii) It helps to find out of several educational problem with mass communication media.

Point to be Remember

  • Computer programme was used for the first time by Conrad Zuse in 1936.
  • Computer was invented during the middle of the 20th century.
  • Computer was first invented by Charles Babbage.
  • Since 1981 computers have increased and developed their functions dramatically.
  • Internet was first started in USA in 1969.
  • Internet is a network of networks.
  • Internet was started as ARPANET.
  • Tim Berners Lee, a research scholar in Switzerland was able to develop the World Wide Web (WWW) to make the information system on the internet easier to read and understand.
  • Full for ATP is Automatic Transaction Process.
  • Full for of ATM is Automatic Teller Machine.
  • Full form of ISP is Internet Service Provider.
  • Full form of WWW is World Wide Web.
  • Full form of SMS is Short Message Service.
  • Full form of CD-ROM is Compact Disk-Read Only Memory.
  • Full form of URL is Uniform Resources Locator.
  • Full form of ARPANET is Advanced Research Projects Administration Network.
  • The IBM 1401 was the most commonly used computer.
  • In 1981 IBM introduced its Personal Computer (PC) for use in home, office and schools.
  • In 1945 and 1956, the first generation computers were build using vacuum tubes for calculation and magnetic tapes for memory.
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