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  • Education Question Paper 2017 M.A 1st Sem KKHSOU.

Education Question Paper 2017 M.A 1st Sem KKHSOU.

[ 17 HDGKACRM – M1 ]

M.A 1st Semester Exam. 2017


[ MED-01 ]

( Philosophical Foundation of Education )

Full Marks : 80
Time : 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
1. Answer any five from the following questions ( each within 50 words) :   2 x 5 = 10
(a) State the three branches of philosophy.
(b) Mention four basic characteristics of science.
(c) List out five Tanmatras in the sankhya school of Indian philosophy.
(d) What are Vedic and non-Vedic schools of Indian philosophy.
(e) State Gandhiji’s concept of Nai-Talim.
(f) Mention the advantages of Marxist system of education.
2. Answer any three from the following questions (each within 150 words) :    4 x 3 =12
(a) Elaborate the educational implications of pragmatism.
(b) Mention some salient features of Nyaya philosophy.
(c) Identify some methods of teaching that was proposed by Rabindranath Tagore.
(d) What should be the aims of education according to naturalism ?
3. Answer any three from the following questions (each within 250 words) :    6 x 3 =18
(a) “Education and philosophy are interrelated.” Explain.
(b) “Family is the first school of the child.” Discuss.
(c) Briefly discuss the democratic philosophy of education.
(d) Write a short note on Swami Vivekananda’s philosophy on education.
4. Answer any four from the following questions. ( each within 500 words) :   10 x 4 =40
(a) Discuss in detail the Vedic system of education and Indian schools of philosophy.
(b) Describe the relationship between different sources and types of knowledge recognized by the Islamic philosophers.
(c) What is existentialism ? Explain different aspects of existentialism.      3 + 7 =10
(d) Elucidate the concept of four noble truths of Buddhist philosophy. Discuss the aims of education according to this philosophy.             5 + 5 = 10
(e) Describe the salient features of basic education proposed by Gandhiji. Explain how Gandhiji’s basic scheme of education has been criticized.      5 + = 10


[ 17 HDGKACRM – M1 ]

M.A 1st Semester Exam. 2017


[ MED-02 ]

( Psychological Foundation of Education )

Full Marks : 80
Time : 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
1. Answer any five from the following questions ( each within 50 words) :   2 x 5 = 10
(a) State the meaning of educational psychology.
(b) What is meant by conditioned reasoning ?
(c) Give a brief note on achievement motivation inventory.
(d) Write the principles of mental hygiene.
(e) Highlight the common properties of traits.
(f) Mention the instruments of thinking.
2. Answer any three from the following questions (each within 150 words) :   4 x 3 =12
(a) Define motivation. Explain its different types with the help of an example.
(b) Explain briefly on ‘creativity as new thinking.
(c) Discuss briefly the Gestalt theory of learning.
(d) Elaborate the different steps of reasoning.
3. Answer any three from the following questions (each within 250 words) :    6 x 3 =18
(a) What is differential or survey method ? Discuss briefly its different types.    2 + 4 = 6
(b) Define interest. How can a teacher arouse and maintain interest of children in any subject.     2 + 4 = 6
(c) Suggest some measures to be taken by school in securing mental health of the students.    6
(d) Critically explain the history and development of intelligence tests in India.   64.
4. Answer any four from the following questions. ( each within 500 words) :    10 x 4 =40
(a) Discuss the nature and scope of educational psychology.    5 + 5 =10
(b) Write briefly about the ‘trial and error’ method of learning and its major theoretical principles.    6 + 4 =10
(c) Discuss the importance and use of motivation in the psychology of learning.          5 + 5 =10
(d) Explain the term ‘problem-solving’. Discuss the role of teacher in developing the right attitude to approach a problem.                 4 + 6 = 10
(e) Discuss in detail the psycho-analytic theory of personality.     10


[ 17 HDGKACRM – M1 ]

M.A 1st Semester Exam. 2017


[ MED-04 ]

( Sociological Foundation of Education )

Full Marks : 80
Time : 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
1. Answer any five from the following questions ( each within 50 words) :     2 x 5 = 10
(a) Mention two fundamentals of Sociology.
(b) Define social organization.
(c) Mention the two basic conditions of social interaction.
(d) Differentiate between voluntary group and involuntary groups.
(e) State the meaning of anticipatory socialization.
(f) Write the functions of social stratification.
2. Answer any three from the following questions (each within 150 words) :     4 x 3 = 12
(a) Define solidarity. Explain the different types of solidarity.
(b) Differentiate between formal and informal organizations.
(c) Explain the term ‘social mobility’. Elaborate its different types.
(d) Give a comprehensive definition of culture. State the factors of cultural variability.
3. Answer any three from the following questions (each within 250 words) :     6 x 3 =18
(a) Discuss the various mechanisms of social interaction.
(b) Write the meaning of crowed’. Differentiate between crowed and public.
(c) Discuss the role of school as an agent of socialization.
(d) Discuss Durkheim’s three fold  classification of suicide.
4. Answer any four from the following questions. ( each within 500 words) :   10 x 4 = 40
(a) State the meaning of Group Dynamics. Discuss its various characteristics.
(b) State the different classifications of social group. Discuss any one classification with example.
(c) Discuss Charles H. Cooley’s theories of socialization.
(d) Define cultural lag. Critically discuss cultural lag theory.
(e) Write in detail and evaluate Merton’s ‘Theory of Deviance’.


[ 17 HDGKACRM – M1 ]

M.A 1st Semester Exam. 2017


[ MED-04 ]

( Method and Techniques of Teaching and Teaching Practical )

Full Marks : 50
Time : 2 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
1. Answer any three from the following questions :    2 x 3 = 6
(a) Define teaching.
(b) Mention any two academic characteristics of effective teaching.
(c) What is the evolutionary approach of teaching.
(d) State the two classification of methods of teaching.
2. Answer any three from the following questions :     4 x 3 =12
(a) Mention some qualities of an effective teacher.
(b) List out the  nature and characteristics of evaluation.
(c) Mention the advantages and disadvantages of team teaching.
(d) Mention some characteristics of a good teaching unit.
3. Answer any two from the following questions :     6 x 2 = 12
(a) What is explanation device ? How can explanation device be used in teaching.
(b) Explain the principles that should be followed while selecting a teaching aid.
(c) Give an account of group discussion method of teaching along with its merits and demerits.
4. Answer any two from the following questions :    10 x 2 =20
(a) Write a detailed note on Bloom’s theory of taxonomy.
(b) State the maxims of teaching. Explain some maxims o teaching.
(c) Discuss the needs and importance of formative and summative evaluation for an effective teaching-learning process.


KKHSOU | M.A 1st Sem | Education | Notes |
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