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In this title You will know about:

  • Class-11 Education Question Paper 2016 AHSEC.
  • HS 1st Year 2017 Education Question Paper Class-11.

Class-11 Education Question Paper 2016 AHSEC.



Full marks: 100
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
1. Give appropriate answer as directed :       1 x 12 = 12
(a) Give a definition of education.
(b) Who is called the ‘father of modern education’ ?
(c) Who is the writer of the book, Democracy and Education ?
(d) “Sense of animism is a characteristics of childhood period.”  (Write True or False).
(e) What is hallucination ?
(f) Write the full form of DIET.
(g) What is the origin Greek word of ‘school’ ?
(h) “Need is a state of physiological deficiency.”   (Write True or False)
(i) “Psychology is the positive science of behaviour of all living being.” Who said this ?
(j) “Habit is called _____________ nature.”   (Fill in the blank)
(k) “Childhood period is called the period of ___________ .”
(l) “Instinct is an acquired quality of an individual.”    (Write True or False)
2. Write the answer of the following questions :   2 x 12= 24
(a) How is Education related to Sociology ?
(b) Mention two characteristics of ancient Gurukul system of education in India.
(c) Mention two problems of adolescence period.
(d) Write two differences between formal and non-formal education.
(e) What is internet ?
(f) Mention two major functions of NCERT.
(g) Write two principles of curriculum construction.
(h) What is organic sensation ?
(i) Mention two major contributions of Christian Missionaries towards the field of education in Assam.
(j) What do you mean by ‘Total Literacy Campaign’ ?
(k) What is Web site ?
(l) Mention two methods of educational psychology.
3. Answer the following questions :   4 x 10 =40
(a) Briefly write about the scope of education.
(b) Why should a teacher study Psychology ?
(c) Mention two functions of cerebrum and cerebellum.
(d) Discuss the professional qualities of a teacher.
(e) What is emotion ? Mention three characteristics of emotion.
(f) Write a short note on Madrassa.
(g) Write four features of ‘Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan’.
(h) Discuss briefly the responsibility of a teacher as motivator.
(i) Discuss four means of removal of bad habits.
(j) Write four major causes of failure of Basic Education in India.
4. Briefly discuss about the aims of education for adolescence period.      6


What is curriculum ? Write about the narrow ad wider meaning of curriculum.    2=4=6
5. Write briefly about the individualistic aim of education.     6
6. Write the major recommendations of Wood’s Educational Despatch of 1854.     6
7. Discuss about six types of co-curricular activities generally observed in school environment.     6


What is perception ? Write four differences between sensation and perception.    2+4=6


Class-11 | Education | Notes |

HS 1st Year 2017 Education Question Paper Class-11.



Full marks: 100
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
1. Give appropriate answer as directed :      1x 12 = 12
(a) “Education is the manifestation of perfection already in man.” Who said this ?
(b) Who wrote the book ‘Emile’ ?
(c) Extrovertism is the characteristics of infancy period.     (Write True or False)
(d) In which year was the University Grants Commission constitutes ?
(e) Education has no relation to Biology.   (Write True or False)
(f) Write the full form of NCERT.
(g) __________ is considered as the father of Educational Psychology.    (Fill in the blank)
(h) What is the other name of ‘Monitorial system’ ?
(i) Name the famous educationist who laid stress on the training of sense organ for child education.
(j) Who claimed for compulsory primary education during the British rule in India ?
(k) Emotion is an agitated state of mind.   (Write True or False)
(l) Mention one limitation of computer.
2. Write the answer of the following questions :   2 x 12 = 24
(a) Mention two objectives of pre-primary education.
(b) Write two major characteristics of non-formal education.
(c) Write two differences between formal and informal education.
(d) Mention two major parts of a computer.
(e) Write two characteristics of instinct.
(f) Write two major recommendations of Wood’s Educational Despatch of 1854.
(g) Mention two differences between sensation and perception.
(h) Write two functions of SCERT.
(i) Write two main features of Gandhiji’s basic education.
(j) Write two provisions of Article 45 of the Indian Constitution.
(k) What do you mean by conception ?
(l) Mention two merits of habits.
3. Answer the following questions :     4 x 10 =40
(a) What do you mean by vocational aim of education ?
(b) Mention four characteristics of adolescence period.
(c) Briefly write about four functions of spinal cord.
(d) Mention four differences between instinct reflex action.
(e) Mention four challenges before the teachers in the context on new social background.
(f) Briefly discuss the role of parents and teachers in habit formation.
(g) Write four characteristics of Sarva Sikhsha Abhiyan.
(h) Mention four merits of co-curricular activities in a school.
(i) Give the concept of child psychology and developmental psychology as two important branches of psychology.
(j) Mention four major problems of adolescence period.
4. What do you mean by social aim of education ? Mention three points of differences between social and individual aim of education.   3+3=6
5. What is curriculum ? Highlight four needs of curriculum.    2+4=6
6. Who appointed Hunter Commission ? Write five major recommendations of Hunter Commission for the development of primary education in India.    1+5=6


Write a short not on the contribution of Christian Missionaries towards the development of education and literature in Assam.     6
7. What is educational psychology ? Briefly write about the scope of educational psychology. 1+5=6
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