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Question Paper KKHSOU 2021 Education M.A 1st Sem.

M.A 1st Semester (New) Exam. 2021 (W)

( Philosophical Foundation of Education )

[ PGED S1-01 ]
Full Marks : 70/80
Time : 3 hours
(Learners admitted in 2020 and  2021 need to answer only Q.No.1 to Q.No. 4 (total 70 marks)
1. Answer any five from the following questions ( each in around 50 words) :    2 x 5 = 10
(a) Give the derivative meaning of the word ‘Philosophy’.
(b) List the name of schools categorised under two heads – Astika and Nastika schools of Philosophy.
(c) State the four Nobel Truths of highlighted by Buddhist Philosophy.
(d) Sate two features of Islamic thought.
(e) Explain the meaning of education stated by Mahatma Gandhi.
(f) List the literature’s created by Srimanta Sankardev.
2. Answer any four from the following questions (each in around 100 words) :    4 x 3 =12
(a) Write a brief note on the essence of Idealism.
(b) Explain the three-fold meaning of Nature stated by Rousseau.
(c) Explain three most important principles of Pragmatic Philosophy.
(d) Write a brief note on existentialism and the role of teachers.
(e) Explain the important plays involved in Froebel’s Kindergarten method.
3. Answer any four from the following questions (each in around 200 words) :    6 x 4 =24
(a) Explain the relationship between Philosophy and Education.
(b) Highlight the educational implications of Vedanta Philosophy.
(c) Critically analyse Pestalozzi’s educational system.
(d) Write a short note on the contributions of Montessori to the present education system.
(e) State the contribution of Swami Vivekananda to education.
4. Answer any three from the following questions. ( each in around 250 words) :     8 x 3 = 2
(a) Discuss the aims of education according to Jainism.
(b) Discuss the salient features of Islamic education system.
(c) Explicate the aims of integral education.
(d) State the contribution of Gandhiji towards Indian education.
(Q. No. 5 is only for learners admitted in and before 2019)
5. Answer anyone of the following questions ( in around 300 words) :   10×1=10
(a) How did Sankardev’s Philosophy shapes his system of education ?
(b) Discuss existentialism as a school of philosophy.


M.A 1st Semester (New) Exam. 2021 (W)

( Psychological Foundation of Education )

[ PGED S1-02 ]
Full Marks : 70/80
Time : 3 hours
(Learners admitted in 2020 and  2021 need to answer only Q.No.1 to Q.No. 4 (total 70 marks)
1. Answer any five from the following questions ( each in around 50 words) :    2 x 5 = 10
(a) “Educational psychology is a branch of general psychology” Justify.
(b) What are the four stages of development as given by Jean Piaget ?
(c) State the relationship between learning and maturation.
(d) Indicate the conditions of transfer of learning.
(e) What are the non-verbal tests of intelligence.
(f) What is called abductive reasoning.
2. Answer any four from the following questions (each in around 100 words) : 4 x 3 =12
(a) Give a brief description on Maslow’s self-actualisation theory.
(b) State the steps involved in creativity.
(c) List out the factors affecting problem solving.
(d) Highlight the Sheldon’s classification of personality.
(e) Do you think that physical health affects the mental health affects the mental of an individual ? Give reasons.
3. Answer any four from the following questions (each in around 200 words) :    6 x 4 =24
(a) Define forgetting . Describe different theories of forgetting.   2+4=6
(b) Whom would you call a slow learner ? What types of education should be designed for these learners ?   3+3=6
(c) What is adjustment mechanism ? Explain the measures taken by the schools to prevent a child from maladjustment.    2+4=6
(d) What are called aptitude tests ? Specify the aptitude tests that are measured by GATB.  2+4=6
(e) Enumerate the characteristics and activities of delinquent child.    3+3=6
4. Answer any three from the following questions. ( each in around 250 words) :    8 x 3 = 2
(a) What do you understand by the following:   3+3+2=8
(i) Steps of experimentation.
(ii) Methods of experimentation.
(iii) Advantages of experimental method.
(b) Elucidate Skinner’s theory of operant conditioning. On what basis this theory has been criticized.
(c) What are various theories of intelligence regarding the nature of intelligence ? Which theory is more convincing and why ?
(d) “Personality is more than physical attribute” Discuss. Indicate the differences between Rorschach’s inkblot text and thematic apperception test.

M.A 1st Semester (New) Exam. 2021 (W)

( Sociological Foundation of Education )

[ PGED S1-03 ]
Full Marks : 70/80
Time : 3 hours
(Learners admitted in 2020 and  2021 need to answer only Q.No.1 to Q.No. 4 (total 70 marks)
1. Answer any five from the following questions ( each in around 50 words) :   2 x 5 = 10
(a) Define the concept of socialization.
(b) Why any two characteristics of a formal organisation.
(c) What is meant by horizontal mobility.
(d) Describe folkways and mores.
(e) Mention any two non-formal agencies of democratic education.
(f) What do you mean by equality of educational opportunity ?
2. Answer any four from the following questions (each in around 100 words) :    4 x 3 =12
(a) Describe the importance of social interaction.
(b) State the various categories of social stratification.
(c) Explain the concept of modernisation.
(d) Briefly write the role of education in social mobility.
(e) What are the various types of unemployment ?
3. Answer any four from the following questions (each in around 200 words) :    6 x 4 =24
(a) Discuss briefly the different agencies of socialization.
(b) What is meant by group dynamics ? How do group dynamics help a teacher in classroom transaction ?   2+4=6
(c) What do you mean by social control ? Discuss about the formal agencies of social control.
(d) How are education and culture related to each other ?
(e) Discuss important educational provisions for socially disadvantaged sections of society.
4. Answer any three from the following questions. ( each in around 250 words) :    8 x 3 = 24
(a) Discuss the scope of educational sociology.
(b) What is meant by social disorganisation. Discuss the causes of social disorganisation.  2+6-8
(c) Define social change. Discuss the role of education in social change.   2+6=8
(d) Discuss the problems associated with equalisation of educational opportunities.

(Q. No. 5 is only for learners admitted in and before 2019)

5. Answer any one from the following questions ( in around 300 words) : 10×1=10
(a) What is meant by co-operation ? Discuss different types of co-operation.
(b) Explain the meaning of democracy. Discuss the basic principles for the success of democracy.


M.A 1st Semester (New) Exam. 2021 (W)

( Methods and Techniques of Teaching and Teaching Practices )

[ PGED S1-04 ]
Full Marks : 50
Time : 2 hours
(Learners admitted in 2020 and  2021 need to answer only Q.No.1 to Q.No. 4 (total 70 marks)
1. Answer any five from the following questions ( each in around 100 words) :     3×3 =9
(a) Define the concept of teaching.
(b) Describe the importance of knowledge of ‘Taxonomy of educational Objective’ for a teacher.
(c) Describe the principles of ‘Proceed from psychological’ as a maxim of teaching.
(d) Write the importance of the teaching devices in teaching.
2. Answer any one from the following questions (each in around 200 words) :     5×1=5
(a) Discuss the five important techniques of teaching.
(b) What do you mean by lesson planning ? State the main objectives of lesson planning.
3. Answer any two from the following questions (each in around 250 words) :   6 x 2 =12
(a) Elucidate the qualities of good teaching.
(b) Explain the ‘Taxonomy of Educational Objectives’ of affective domain.
(c) Discuss the problems of using teaching aids in classroom teaching.
4. Answer any three from the following questions. ( each in around 250 words) : 8 x 3 = 24
(a) Discuss the general principles of teaching.
(b) “The success of class teaching depends mainly on the art of teaching.” Explain this statement with suitable examples.
(c) Define the concept of ‘Teaching Strategies’. What are its different types ? Discuss.    2+6=8
(d) Explain with suitable examples how the use of teaching aids makes teaching more effective.


KKHSOU | Education | Notes | M.A 1st Sem |
Calendar of Content List:
January 2025

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