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  • Education Question Papers 2023 for M.A 1st KKHSOU (NEP).

Education Question Papers 2023 for M.A 1st KKHSOU (NEP).

[ 23 HKPD1SNP – 24M ]
M.A 1st Semester (NEP) Exam. 2023 (W)

( Philosophical Foundation of Education )

[ ED S1-01 ]
Full Marks : 70
Time : 3 hours
The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks.
1. Answer any five questions from the following ( each in around 400 words) :    10 x 5 =50
(a) Define philosophy. Discuss the various influences of philosophy on different aspects of education.     2+8=10
(b) Illustration the basic doctrines of Buddhist philosophy and assess their educational implications.      5+5=10
(c) Give the derivative meaning of word “idealism”. Examine the views of idealism with special reference of curriculum, method of teaching and teacher.        2+8=10
(d) Summarize the assumptions of existentialism. Discuss its principles.    5+5=10
(e) Make a critical evaluation of Pestalozzi’s education system and show the relevance of Pestalozzi’s education system in present context.    5+5=10
(f) What are the basic principles of Vivekananda’s philosophy ? What did Swami Vivekananada say about Women and teacher ?   5+5=10
(g) Give a brief sketch of Aurobindo’s life. Highlight the methods of teaching suggested by Aurobindo.    5+5=10
(h) What are the education as stated by Sankaradeva ? How did Sankaradeva used drama for education the common people ?    5+5=10
2. Answer any four of the following questions (each in around 200 words) :   5 x 4 =20
(a) How is Samkhya and the theory of knowledge related ? Explain.
(b) What are the fine pillars of Islam. Point out the features of Islamic thought ?    2+3=5
(c) Identify the three folds meaning of nature. What does the philosophy of Naturalism explains ?    2+3=5
(d) What is the role of discipline and teacher in pragmatism in education ?    2+3=5
(e) How is Froebel’s gift’s and occupations help the child in learning ? What are the items included in Froebel’s gifts ?   2+3=5
(f) What are the basic philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi ? Write the views of Gandhi on discipline.    2+3=5


Education Question Papers 2023 for M.A 1st KKHSOU (NEP).

[ 23 HKPD1SNP – 24M ]
M.A 1st Semester (NEP) Exam. 2023 (W)

( Psychological Foundation of Education )

[ ED S1-02 ]
Full Marks : 70
Time : 3 hours
The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks.
1. Answer any five questions from the following ( each in around 400 words) :  10 x 5 =50
(a) Explain the study areas  of education psychology . How does the knowledge of psychology help to identify various aspects of growth and development.  6+4=10
(b) Define learning. Explain any conditioning theory of learning with proper illustration. How can learning be transferred ?  2+6+2=10
(c) What is meant by Intelligence Test ? Discuss some of the intelligence test used in the field of education.   3+7=10
(d) How would you relate creativity with intelligence ? Which one is important for academic career according to you Elaborate.   5+5=10
(e) List out the measures for improvisation of remembering and memory. Why do people forget.     6+4=10
(f) Differentiate between the type and trait theories of personality. State any Scientific methods of measuring human personality.      7+3=10
(g) Why is it essential to maintain a good mental health ? Provide justification. Is a well adjusted person, a mentally healthy one ? Mention some of the mechanisms of adjustment.      4+3=3=10
(h) Who are the delinquents ? What are the major causes of increasing number of delinquents in the society accoeding to you ? Provide some preventive measures.     2+4+4=10
2. Answer any four from the following questions (each in around 22 words) :   5 x 4 =20
(a) Give a brief description of the stages of human life.
(b) How does motivation plays important role in learning ?
(c) As a learner of education, how would you identify a creative person ?
(d) What are the conditions that affect problem solving ?
(e) Give a brief account of the classification of the exceptional children.
(f) Write a short note on an Aptitude Test battery with its utility in the field of education.


Education Question Papers 2023 for M.A 1st KKHSOU (NEP).

[ 23 HKPD1SNP – 24M ]
M.A 1st Semester (NEP) Exam. 2023 (W)

( Sociological Foundation of Education )

[ ED S1-03 ]
Full Marks : 70
Time : 3 hours
The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks.
1. Answer any five questions from the following ( each in around 400 words) :  10 x 5 =50
(a) Define the term educational sociology. Explain the relationship between education and sociology.     5+5=10
(b) What is meant by social interaction ? Mention the importance of social interaction from your point of view.     5+5=10
(c) Write briefly about the different factors of social stratification.   
(d) How does the current education system either promote or hinder social change ? Discuss briefly by citing examples.
(e) Write a short note on cultural lag. How does education and culture relate to each other.      4=6=10
(f) Discuss the significance of ensuring equality of educational opportunity with special reference to Indian society.
(g) How does social factor lead to educational backwardness of disadvantaged group ? Discuss.
(h) Elaborate the issue of child labour in India in the light of recent data.
2. Answer any four from the following questions (each in around 200 words) :   5 x 4 =20
(a) Discuss the scope of educational sociology.
(b) Define “social process”. What are its elements ?     2+3=10
(c) Explain in brief the various types of socialisation.
(d) Highlight the name of social organization. What is meant by social disorganisation ?     2+3=5
(e) Draw out a comparison between modernization and westernization.
(f) Describe the role of education in social mobility. Give your own views in this regard.


Education Question Papers 2023 for M.A 1st KKHSOU (NEP).

[ 23 HKPD1SNP – 24M ]
M.A 1st Semester (NEP) Exam. 2023 (W)

( Distance Education )

[ ED S1-04 ]
Full Marks : 70
Time : 3 hours
The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks.
1. Answer any five questions from the following ( each in around 400 words) :    10 x 5 =50
(a) How has distance education in India evolved over time ? What significant milestones and changes have shaped its development to cater to the diverse educational requirements of a Geographical dispersed population ? Discuss.
(b) Examine the importance of study centres within the Open and Distance Learning (ODL) system.
(c) Describe the various categories of Self-Learning Materials (SLMs) and examine the distinctive characteristics of each type.
(d) Examine thoroughly the procedures involved in the development of curriculum within the ODL framework.
(e) In what ways do Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) contribute to providing lifelong learning opportunities for learners and facilitate the transfer of credits ?
(f) Discuss the ways and means that can ensure the quality in education particularly in the open and distance mode.
(g) Explore the connection between open and distance education and its impact on rural development.
(h) Discuss the problems faced by you as a learner of KKHSOU while pursuing your education in this University.
2. Answer any four from the following questions (each in around 200 words) :  5 x 4 =20
(a) Define study skills and elaborate on the various strategies employed in refining effective study habits.
(b) Draw out the distinction between educational administration and other types of administration.
(c) Discuss in details the utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in learning across various evolving domains.
(d) Highlighted the ways in which distance education contributes to the development of communities.
(e) List three differences and three similarities between single and dual mode universities.
(f) Differentiate between formative and summative evaluation.

Education Question Papers 2023 for M.A 1st KKHSOU (NEP).

[ 23 HKPD1SNP – 24M ]
M.A 1st Semester (NEP) Exam. 2023 (W)

( Developmental Psychology / Environmental & Population Education )

[ ED, S1 - 05 / ED, S1 - 06 ]
Full Marks : 70
Time : 3 hours
The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks.
1157 (PDEDP)

(Developmental Psychology)

[ ED, S1 - 05 ]
1.Answer any five questions from the following ( each in around 400 words) :    10 x 5 =50
(a) Discuss the concept of Developmental psychology. What are the principles of Human Development ?   5+5=10
(b) What are the different methods of studying development ? Write some social development of school age child.    7+3=10
(c) What are the conditions that determines the conception ? Critically analyse the role of teacher in personality development of a child.    5+5=10
(d) What is Observation Method ? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Observation Method.   4+3+3=10
(e) Write on the sensory capacity of a new born. What do you mean by attachment at infancy stage ?   5+5=10
(f) Discuss the Jean Piaget’s Theory Cognitive Development.
(g) Why pre-school period is considered significant from social development perspective ? What are the psychological Hazards during early childhood period ?    5+5=10
(h) Why is adolescent period is regarded as the “period of storm and stress” ? Give your views in this regard.
2. Answer any four from the following questions (each in around 200 words) :   5 x 4 =20
(a) ‘Peer groups’ are the most influential factors in the personality development of an adolescent’ – What do you think this statement ?
(b) Write the characteristics of Juvenile delinquency.
(c) Why ‘late childhood’ period is considered as ‘Gang Age’ ?
(d) Discuss the role of society in preventing Juvenile delinquency.
(e) Discuss the concept of imitation in infancy.
(f) What is Hero Worshiping ? Write with proper illustration.


1158 (PDEDP)

( Environmental & Population Education )

[ ED, S1 - 06 ]
1. Answer any five questions from the following ( each in around 400 words) :  10 x 5 =50
(a) Define the term ‘Environmental Education’. Elaborate the nature and scope of environmental education.     2+4+4=10
(b) How do you relate environmental education with population education ? Highlight the importance of population education in terms of environmental protection and sustainable development.   3+7=10
(c) Discuss the ecological perspective of man and environment relationship with proper illustration.
(d) What steps should be taken for the prevention of environmental degradation ? Highlight the role of education in preventing environmental degradation.     5+5=10
(e) Discuss the need and importance of population education.
(f) Define the concept ‘population dynamics’. Describe the components of population dynamics.   2+8=10
(g) How does population education help people in acquiring quality of life ? Discuss in details with suitable examples.
(h) Write an essay on the role of mass media in population control.
2. Answer any four from the following questions (each in around 200 words) : 5 x 4 =20
(a) How does deforestation change human life styles ?
(b) Write briefly on the major sources of soil pollution.
(c) Describe briefly the role of any five international environment environmental organisation.
(d) How is population change related to development. ? Briefly explain with examples.
(e) How do you use discussion method to teach the population education in your classroom ? Give suitable examples.
(f) How can we use social media for controlling population growth ? Suggest your plan of action.


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M.A 1st Sem | Education | Notes | KKHSOU |
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