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M.A 1st Sem 2019 Question Paper Education KKHSOU.

M.A 1st Sem 2019 Question Paper Education KKHSOU.

 [ 19-HBPGKOW – M1S(O) 20M ]
M.A 1st Semester (Old) Exam. 2019 (W)


[ MED-01 ]

( Philosophical Foundation of Education )

Full Marks : 80
Time : 3 hours
 The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
1. Answer any five of the following questions ( each in around 50 words) :  2 x 5 = 10
(a) What is the basic objective of Western Philosophy ?
(b) Give the verbal meaning of the term ‘Purusha’.
(c) Mention five Skandhas of Buddhist Philosophy.
(d) State the aims of education put forwarded by the naturalist philosopher, Herbert Spencer.
(e) Mention two advantages of the Marxist system of education.
(f) Mention three things that education should provide for the development of patriotism and freedom as stated by Swami Vivekananda.
2. Answer any three of the following questions (each in around 150 words) :  4 x 3 =12
(a) State the basic characteristics of philosophy.
(b) Explain briefly the modified aims of Buddhist Educational Philosophy.
(c) Highlight the educational implication of naturalistic philosophy of education.
(d) Explain briefly the tenets of realism stated by Christian O. Weber.
3. Answer any three of the following questions (each in around 250 words) :   6 x 3 = 18
(a) Discuss the metaphysical aspects of Jainism and its aims of education.
(b) Elaborate the basic characteristics of the Vedanta Philosophy.
(c) Write a note on pragmatism and curriculum.
(d) What is Nai Talim ? Discuss the stages of Nai Talim.      2+4=6
4. Answer any four of the following questions. ( each in around 500 words) :   10 x 4 = 40
(a) Explain the functions of educational philosophy.
(b) Explain in details  the Sankhya School of Philosophy, its objectives and salient features.
(c) Define and explain in details existentialism, its scope and its views on education.
(d) Discuss the Marxist value of education.
(e) Discuss in details Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy on life and education, methods he suggested and his views on teacher –student relationship.


 [ 19-HBPGKOW – M1S(O) 20M ]
M.A 1st Semester (Old) Exam. 2019 (W)


[ MED-02 ]

( Psychological Foundation of Education )

Full Marks : 80
Time : 3 hours
 The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
1. Answer any five from the following questions (each in around 50 words) :   2 x 5 = 10
(a) What is meant by educational psychology ?
(b) Identify any two approaches of developmental case study.
(c) When do we apply the law of use ?
(d) Mention any four characteristics of intelligence.
(e) What is meant by positive reinforcement ?
(f) Identify any four characteristics of attention.
2. Answer any three from the following questions (each in around 150 words) :  4 x 3 =12
(a) Explain briefly the scope of educational psychology.
(b) What are the difference between classical and operant conditioning ?
(c) Identify the three broad categories of survey method.
(d) Explain the two categories of motivation.
3. Answer any three from the following questions (each in around 250 words) :   6 x 3 = 18
(a) Explain in detail trial and error theory of learning. Write the educative value of the theory.       4+2=6
(b) Describe the different tools of thinking.
(c) Discuss the steps involved in the process of problem-solving behaviour.
(d) “Personality is the result of both heredity and environment.”. Explain.
4. Answer any four from the following questions. ( each in around 500 words) :   10 x 4 = 40
(a) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of introspection method.      5+5=10
(b) Elaborate how the teacher helps the learners to develop their capacity of rational thinking.
(c) Critically explain the psychological theory of personality.
(d) Define creativity. State the differences between intelligence and creativity.       2+8=10
(e) Describe the role of parents in promoting mental health of children.


 [ 19-HBPGKOW – M1S(O) 20M ]
M.A 1st Semester (Old) Exam. 2019 (W)


[ MED-03 ]

( Sociological Foundation of Education )

Full Marks : 80
Time : 3 hours
 The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
1. Answer any five of the following questions (each in around 50 words) :   2 x 5 = 10
(a) Differentiate between educational sociology and sociology of education.
(b) List any two aspects of social organization.
(c) What is assimilation ?
(d) Write three characteristics of primary group.
(e) What is peer group ?
(f) What is Sanskritisation ?
2. Answer any three of the following questions (each in around 150 words) :     4 x 3 =12
(a) Differentiate between formal and informal organizations.
(b) Explain the concept of socialization along with its  characteristics.
(c) Write briefly the characteristics of social stratification.
(d) How do culture and civilisation interrelated ? Explain briefly.
3. Answer any three of the following questions (each in around 250 words) :    6 x 3 = 18
(a) What is social disorganisation ? Write the characteristics of social disorganisation.       2+4=6
(b) What are the factors theta help to develop social bonds in humans ?
(c) Explain the functions of the family as an agent of education.
(d) Discuss the Marxian theory of social stratification.
4. Answer any four of the following questions. ( each in around 500 words) :   10 x 4 = 40
(a) Explain Durkheim’s theory of division of labour. Why is this theory regarded as  his major contribution to the field of sociology.      5+5=10
(b) Explain the meaning of social interaction. What are its characteristics ? Write educational implication of social interaction.        3+3+4=10
(c) What is social group ? Can man live without a group ? Discuss the factors which  work to make man social.     3+2+5=10
(d) What do mean by culture ? Explain the salient features of Indian traditional culture.      5+5=10
(e) Explain the meaning of secondary groups. Distinguish between primary groups and secondary groups.    5+5=10


 [ 19-HBPGKOW – M1S(O) 20M ]
M.A 1st Semester (Old) Exam. 2019 (W)


[ MED-03 ]

 ( Methods and Techniques of Teaching and TP )

Full Marks : 50
Time : 2 hours
 The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
1. Answer any five from the following questions (each within 50 words) :   2 x 3 =6
(a) What does the principles of remedial teaching prescribe ?
(b) What is meant by the triangular process of teaching ?
(c) What does team teaching mean ?
(d) Write two important characteristics of the narration technique.
2. Answer any three from the following questions (each within 150 words) :   4 x 3 =12
(a) Describe the important characteristics of teaching.
(b) What are the four specifics aims of teaching English at the school level ?
(c) Describe the importance of audio-visual aids in the teaching-learning process.
(d) How would you describe an ideal lesson plan ?
3. Answer any two from the following questions (each within 250 words) :   6 x 3 = 18
(a) What do mean by group discussion ? Describe its merits and demerits.     2+4=6
(b) Highlight the characteristics of good teaching.       6
(c) How does evaluation differ from measurement ? Explain with suitable examples.     6
4. Answer any four from the following questions. ( each within 500 words) :    10 x 4 = 40
(a) What does effective teaching mean ? Discuss the qualities of an effective teacher.     3+7=10
(b) Write a detailed note on Bloom’s theory of taxonomy.     10
(c) Explain in detail Morrison’s approach to lesson planning.     10


M.A 1st Sem | Education | Notes | KKHSOU |
January 2025

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