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In this title You will get to know about:

  •  Hunter Commission 1882.
  • Recommendation of Hunter Commission 1882 regarding on Primary Education.
  • Recommendation of Hunter Commission 1882 regarding on Secondary Education.
  • Recommendation of Hunter Commission 1882 regarding on Indigenous Education.

Hunter Commission 1882.


While the government had failed to do the recommendation of Wood’s Despatch of 1854 in the field of education of the people at large. Therefore, The Hunter Commission or Indian Education Commission was set up on 23rd February, 1882 under the Chairmanship or Member of the Viceroy’s Executive Council Sir William Hunter. This commission was appointed by Lord Ripon who was the viceroy of India on 3rd February, 1882. After his name this commission is popularly known as Hunter Commission. This was the first Education Commission of British India. The objectives of this commission were to review the condition of Indian education and to give necessary suggestions for its development. The commission suggested and recommended on Primary Education, Indigenous Education, Secondary Education and Higher Education, etc.

        The Indian member were Syed Mahmud, Anand Mohan Basu, P.R. Mudaliar, Hazi Gulam, K.T. Talang, Maharaj J.M. Tagore, Bhudev Mukherji, Dr. Miller. Thes Secretary of this commission was B. L. Rice, the DPI of Mysore.

1. What is the name of the first Education Commission in India ?

Ans: Hunter Commission or Indian Education Commission 1882.

2. In which year was the first Indian Education Commission set up ?

Ans: In the Year of 23rd February, 1882.

3. Who appointed Hunter Commission 1882 ?

Ans: Lord Ripon.

4. Who was the Chairman of Indian Education Commission 1882 ?

Ans: Sir William Hunter.

5. Who was the Viceroy of Indian Education Commission 1882?

Ans: Lord Ripon.

6. In which year was the Hunter Commission appointed ?

Ans: In the year of 3rd February, 1882.

6. In which year was the Hunter Commission appointed ?

Recommendation of Hunter Commission 1882 regarding on Primary Education

7. What were the recommendations of Hunter Commission 1882 regarding on Primary Education ?

What were the recommendations of the Indian Education Commission of 1882 regarding Primary Education ?
Discussed the suggestions made by the Hunter Commission of 1882 regarding Primary Education in India.

Ans: Following are the recommendations of Hunter Commission or Indian Education Commission which are summarily presented below:

(i) Primary education should aim not only at preparing the students to enter into higher education but it should aim at spreading education of the masses all right.

(ii) Primary education should serve the need of life of the common people.

(iii) The medium of primary education should be vernaculars or Indian languages.

(iv) Useful subjects like- agriculture, science, mathematics, should be included in the curriculum of the primary education.

(v) The commission recommended to established Normal schools for training the teacher in order to raise the standard of primary institutions.

(vi) Primary schools run by the local authorities should charge fees, but the poorer children should be exempted from it.

(vii) The Local Authority should have their special fund for primary education.

(viii) The Provincial Government should grant one-third of the expenditure for primary education.

(ix) Educated people should be given government job. etc.

Recommendations of Hunter Commission 1882 regarding on Indigenous Education

8. What were the recommendations of Hunter Commission 1882 regarding Indigenous System of Education ?

Ans: At the time of Hunter Commission there were many indigenous institutions which imparts education to people on the old traditional Indian pattern. According to Hunter Commission only those institutions should be called indigenous institutions or ‘Pathashalas’ that are run by Indians according to Indian traditions of education. The Commission advanced the following suggestions regarding to them:

(i) The government should encourage the indigenous schools to give secular education.

(ii) Discussion should be made with the Pandits and the Maulabis regarding their development.

(iii) Education should remain open to all children in schools receiving grant-in-aid.

(iv) The government should not interfere in the construction of curriculum of these schools.

(v) Proper arrangement should be made for training of teachers of the indigenous schools.

(vi) Government scholarship should be  given to poor students in these institutions.

(vii) No restriction should be imposed for admission to such institutions.

(viii) Grants should be given on the basis of payment-by-results.

(ix) The Municipalities and the Local Board should  try to develop these schools in consultation with their managing committees.

Recommendation of Hunter Commission 1882 regarding on Secondary Education

9. What were the recommendations of Hunter Commission 1882 regarding on Secondary Education ?

Ans: In the field of secondary education, the Hunter Commission tendered its opinion on only two things. Firstly, it thought over the ways and means of improvement of secondary education. Secondly, it thought over the ways and means for improving the defects of present in it. The Commission gave important suggestions for secondary education which are mentioned below:

(i) The Commission recommended that the government should entrust the responsibility of secondary education wholly to the Indians and should only give financial grants for removing certain difficulties.

(ii) As regard the medium of instructions, the Commission said that English should continue as medium of instructions at this stage of education.

(iii) The secondary education curriculum should be divided into two parts. In the first part, literary and science subjects should be grouped and in the second part, there should be such vocational subjects which might be useful to life.

(iv) The Commission emphasised the necessity of teachers training for raising the standard of secondary education.

Recommendation of Hunter Commission Commission 1882 regarding on Higher Education

10. What were the recommendations of the Indian Education Commission of 1882 regarding Higher Education ?

Ans: The Commission also made recommendation in regard to higher education. The Commission gave some important suggestion for improvement of higher education which may be the following:

(i) The grant should be determined keeping in view the strength of teachers and students, need and capacity of the institution.

(ii) The Colleges engaged in higher education should be sufficient grants for experimental laboratories, reading, rooms, libraries, equipment’s, science rooms, building and furniture etc.

(iii) Varied and vast curricula should be arranged in these colleges so that the students must have the subjects of their choice and aptitude.

(iv) To raise the moral standards of the students such books should be compiled which may contain in the principles of human religion at large.

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