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Concept and Aims of Education



Important Questions Answer

1. What do you mean by Education?

Ans: In simple term, Education is nothing but it is a dynamic, continues and life long process of development of an individual which begins at the birth and continues throughout our life for acquiring knowledge and experiences that we acquire at home, school, playground, newspapers, radio, television, movies, etc. It helps to complete development of a man’s personality, as a whole.

           So therefore, we can say that Education is life and life itself is education which can help to modify our behaviour, character and knowledge in all aspects of human development.

2. Give any one definition of Education.

Ans: Different educationist has given different definition of education which are mentioned below:

(i) M.K Gandhi defines, “By education I mean an all round drawing out of the best in the child and man body, mind and spirit.”

(ii) According to Swamy Vivekananda, “Education is the manifestation of divine perfection, already existing in man.”

(iii) Aristotle speaks of education as “the creation of a sound mind in a sound mind.”

(iv) Pestalozzi indicates  education as “the natural, harmonious and progressive development of man’s innate powers.”

(v) John Dewey maintains “Education is the development of all those capacities in the individual which will enable him to control his environment and fulfil his possibilities.”

(vi) Socrates view, “Education is the development of the universal elements, which is dormant in every individual.”

(vii) Plato opinions that, “Education is the capacity of feel pleasure and pain at the right moment.”

(viii) Sir Percy Nunn says “Education is the complete development of the individuality of the child so that he can make an original contribution to human life…”

3. Briefly explain Etymological meaning of the term ‘Education’.

Ans: The term ‘Education’ has been derived from four ‘Latin’ words. These are- EDUCO, EDUCARE, EDUCERE and EDUCATUM. 

     Firstly, It comes from two combination words “E” and “DUCO. Here, ‘E’ means “Out of” and “DUCO” means “Lead out”. Thus “EDUCO” means ‘to lead out’ the inner power of man. 

       Secondly, the word “Education” originated from three ‘Latin’ words, namely:


It means ‘to bring up’ or ‘to nourish’. Here, education is considered as a process, not a product.


It means ‘to lead out’ or ‘to draw out’. Here, Education is considered as ‘the latent potential of the child from within’.


It denotes ‘the act of teaching’ or ‘training’. Here, Education is considered as ‘the principles and practice of teaching’.

Point to be Remember

  • ‘EDUCO’ and ‘EDUCERE’ refers to ‘Education’ as an act of development from within whereas ‘EUCARE’ and ‘EDUCATUM’ implies that ‘Education’ is an act of putting in something from outside sources.

4. Write briefly about the concept of narrow and wider meaning of education.

Ans: In the narrow and in its restricted  sense education means ‘schooling’. Here, Everything is systematic, prefix, and pre-determined. The curriculum, discipline, deliberate efforts by the teachers inculcate certain values, habits or attitudes in children, method of teaching, and examination, marks or grades are followed in the school. A learner can get proper employment after getting a certificate from these institution.

        So, we can say that narrow meaning of education is a systematic process to achieve the definite goals of education through classroom instruction.

       On the other hand, In the wider and unrestricted sense all experiences of our life are said to be education. Here, education is not limited to four walls of the classroom. It comprises totality of our experiences which covers man’s physical, mental, social, emotional, and moral aspects of experiences from birth to death. These knowledge, experience and skills can gained through the house, temple, church, family. Playground, club, society even school which gives true realization of a man’s life. 

    Therefore, we indicate that education is life and life itself  is education which helps us to modify our behaviour, character and knowledge in all aspects of human development which are regarded as the wider meaning of education.

5. Make distinguish between Narrow and Wider meaning of education.

Ans: The distinguish between narrow and wider meaning of education are mentioned below:

(i) Narrow meaning of education is planned and organized process. On the other hand, Wider meaning of education is a social process.

ii. Narrow meaning of education which starts with students entry in school and ends with instruction completion, While wider meaning of education starts from birth and goes throughout life.

iii. Narrow meaning of education education is limited to schooling only, whereas wider meaning of education goes beyond schooling and instruction.

iv. In narrow meaning, the aim of education imparts limited knowledge in specific subjects.  On the contrary, the aim of education focusses on overall development of  students in wider sense.

v. In narrow meaning of education, contents included only academic subjects traditionally taught in the schools, But contents are based on overall learning experiences of students in the field of wider meaning of education.

6. Education is a ‘Bio-polar’ as well as ‘Tri-polar’ process. Explain briefly.

Ans: Sir John Adams in his book entitled “Evolution of Educational Theory” said that education is a bio-polar process which is considered two poles, namely:

(a) Teacher.
(b) Students.

Here, both are equally important in the process of education because If the teacher gives, the child receives and if the teacher instruct, the child follows. Here, the teacher seeks the modification of the development not only through imparting knowledge and skills but also through the direct influences on the child’s personality. So therefore, we can say that there is an interaction between the teacher and the child which is very essential.

          On the other hand, John Dewey considered education is a tri-polar process. He said that educational process not only has a psychological side involving the teacher (educator) and the educand (students), but also has a sociological aspects too. It means the process of education contains three poles, namely:

(a) Teacher.
(b) Student.
(c) Social or educational environment.

   Here, the teacher designs, plan, execute and evaluate students experiences to understand the child’s interest, capacities, aptitudes, and also try to modify the personality of the students. So therefore, we can say that these three factors actively cooperate in the efficient and successful working of the educational process which determines the aims, contents, method of teaching in which the teacher and the child both lives.

7. Write a short note on ‘Education as a life long process’.

Ans: Yes, It is true that education is a continues and life long process which begins at the birth and continues throughout our life. It includes the effects of everything that influences human personality for acquiring knowledge, skills, experiences and competencies through formal, informal and non-formal learning throughout the entire life span.

      So therefore, we can say that education is considered as a life long process pf striving for perfection.

8. Write short note on ‘Education as modification of human behaviour’.

Ans: Yes, It is true that education as modification of human behaviour because of the following reason:

(a) Education is a process which develops our learning factors that bring relatively enduring or permanent changes in our behaviour.

(b) Education can change our behaviour that covers the whole life of a man to modify itself through the process of modification.

(c) It represent a progressive change in behaviour by the acquisition of new behaviour which gives to meet our desire, needs and requirements for change.

           So therefore, above reason we can say that education is considered as modification of human behaviour.

9. Write short note on ‘Education as an instrument of social change.

Ans: Yes, It is true that education as an instrument of social change because of the following reason:

(a) Education helps us in increasing the mental ability of a persons thinking, pattern of social relationship, attitudes, and lifestyle of a person.

(b) It helps to bring such instant changes like- concept of right and wrong, what should be done or what not.

(c) It also helps to modified our old customs, faiths and belief to bring about progressive changes in them.

10. Briefly explain the scope of Education.

Ans: The literal meaning of scope is ‘range’. It means are or subject matter of study which encompasses breadh, comprehension, and variety of learning experiences that to be performed in the educational process. The scope of educational process includes the following aspects:

1. Types of Education:

(a) Formal Education

(b) In-formal Education

(c) Non-formal Education

2. Aims of Education:

(a) Individual aim of Education

(b) Social aim of Education

(c) Vocational aim of Education

(d) Liberal or cultural aim of Education

(e) Democratic aim of Education

3. Relation with others discipline:

(a) Education and Philosophy

(b) Education and Psychology

(c) Education and History

(d) Education and Economics

(e) Education and Political science

(f) Education and Population studies

(g) Education and Environmental Education, etc.

   So to conclude, we can say that all the educational aspects which is studies with review, outlook, planning, effectiveness, operation and application on the concerned person in a comprehensive way.

11. What do you mean by Formal Education? Give with example.

Ans: The education which is imparted at a particular place under controlled environment is called formal education. For example-  School, colleges, university and other institutions.

      Here, aims and methods of teaching are pre-determined, curriculum is fixed, duration of teaching time is controlled by the time table and discipline is exhibited everywhere in the system. One the education is over, the students are given pass or fail certificate or degree.

12. Enumerated the characteristics of Formal Education.

Ans: The characteristics of formal education are enumerated under the below:

i. Formal education is planned and deliberate.

ii. It has chronological grading system.

iii. It has a syllabus and subject oriented.

iv. The syllabus must be covered within a specific time.

v. Discipline is strict as well as flexible.

vi. It has fixed rules and regulations.

vii. It is structured hierarchically.

13. What do you mean by In-formal Education? Give with example.

Ans: In-formal Education refers to a life long learning process whereby each individual acquires attitudes, values, skills and knowledge from the educational influences and resources in his or her own environment and from daily life experiences is called In-formal Education.

    For example: Family, neighbourhood, playground, church, social and religious organisation, peer group, radio, television etc.

14. Enumerated the characteristics of In-formal Education.

Ans: The characteristics of In-formal Education are enumerated under the below:

i. In-formal Education is independent of boundary walls.

ii. It has no definite syllabus.

iii. It is not pre-determined and has no time table.

iv. It is a life long process in a natural way.

v. Self discipline is followed which comes from social control.

vi. It is natural and unconscious process.

vii. This type of education is received from any and every person at any time or any place.

viii. No certificate or degree are awarded.

15. . Make distinguish between Formal and In-formal education.

Ans: The distinguish between Formal and In-formal education are mentioned below:

(a) Formal education is pre-planned and pre-determined towards certain aim or goal. On the other hand, In-formal education is purely incidental and spontaneous where no definite aim or goal of education to be pre-determined.

(b) The formal education has rigid time table, While in-formal education is free from any rigid time table.

(c) Students evaluation is done on the basis of examination after passing examination where degree or certificate are awarded in formal education. On the contrary, There is no certificate or degree are awarded in in-formal education. Here, evaluation is done by observing social adjustment.

(d) Formal education has fixed curriculum, rules and regulations, where as there has no fixed curriculum even rules and regulations in-formal education. The whole life and experiences is its curriculum.

16. What do you mean by Non-formal Education? Give one example.

Ans: The education which is systematically imparted to learners according to the time table and certificate or degree may also be issued at the end of education but teaching is not controlled by evaluation. This type of education is called Non-formal Education.

   For example: Distance education like- IDOL, KKHSOU, IGNOU, Adult Education Centres, Anganwadi are better example of this.

17. Enumerated the characteristics of No-formal Education.

Ans: The characteristics of Non-formal education are enumerated under the below:

i. The non-formal education is planned and takes place apart from the school system.

ii. It may be full time or part time learning and one can earn and learn together.

iii. It has no age limit.

iv. It is a life long educational process.

v. It encourages self learning.

vi. It is based on the principles of maximum utilisation of human potentials.

vii. It involves learning of professional skills.

viii. It has flexible curriculum, inner discipline and self awareness programme.

18. Make distinguish between Formal and Non-formal education.

Ans: The distinguish between Formal and Non-formal education are enumerated below:

(a) Formal education has fixed concepts and contents in its curriculum. On the contrary, Non-formal education has a diversified curriculum responsive to the learner’s need.

(b) In formal education, duration of education is fixed and pre-scheduled, While duration of education s subjected to learners in non-formal education.

(c) There is age limit in formal education, But there has no age limit in non-formal education.

(d) Certificates, degrees are awarded on the basis of examination in formal education, Where as on the basis of evaluation certificates, degrees are awarded in non-formal education.

19. Write briefly on the relation between Education and Biology.

Ans: Yes, Education is closely related with biology in the following ways:

i. Both education and biology studies on man and environment.

ii. Biology studies on influence of heredity and environment whereas education studies both on acquisition of knowledge.

iii. Biology deals with only physical environment while education studies not only physical environment but also social environment both and its impact on individuals.

iv. Biology deals with central nervous system, functions of brain, gene, chromosomes, hormone, etc. whereas education helps us in widening our knowledge on these areas.

v. Biology makes a detailed study about the dietary habit of man, types of food consumption to achieve proper nutrition while education studies on different types of food, their nutritional value and so on.

20. Write briefly on the relation between Education and Philosophy.

Ans: Education and Philosophy both are very closely each other. They are called the two sides of the same coin because of the following reason:

i. Both education and philosophy deals with human being and their life.

ii. Philosophy is wisdom whereas education transmits that wisdom from one generation to other one.

iii. Philosophy embodies a way of life of an individual whereas education prepares a life of an individual.

iv. Philosophy determines the various aspects of education.

v. Philosophy determines a set of goal of life which is consciously adopted by education.

vi. Philosophy represent a system of thought while education embraces that thought in the content of instruction.

21. Write short note on the relation of Education with Sociology.

Ans: Yes, Education and sociology both are intimately related to each other because of the following ways:

i. Both sociology and education are concerned essentially with man and his life.

ii. Education is the means for achieving a set of goals of sociology.

iii. Education is the laboratory and workshop of sociology.

iv. Education contributes to social change and transmission of culture which are sociological issues.

v. Sociology studies the structure and functions of social system while education is one of the important functions of any social system.

vi. Sociology contributes greatly to the planning, execution, monitoring and evaluation of educational process.

22. Write a short note on the relation of Education with Economics.

Ans: Education and Economics are closely related because of the following ways:

i. Both education and economics are the ability of the members in an educated society to use their knowledge to discover new opportunities for wealth creation.

ii. Education makes a country economically rich.

iii. The education of people in a society determines the growth of economical potential, wage level, and unemployment rate in society to contributes social peace.

iv. Education is a facilitator for economic development which helps us to increase the accessibility of people to modern and scientific ideas.

v. Education is a human capital investment which is expected to yields results that will translate to the improvement and growth of the economy of a nation.

vi. Education allows its owner to receive a higher income and gives the opportunity for self expression, creative fulfilment, as well as moral satisfaction from current activities.

23. Write short note on the relation of Education with Psychology.

Ans: Education and psychology are interdependent to each other in the following ways:

i. Education is considered with aims, ideals, and standards of life whereas psychology determines whether these aims are attainable or not.

ii. Psychology and education both deals with human behaviour in different ways.

iii. Psychology introduce new theories of learning in education.

iv. Educational psychology deals with the educational problems.

v. Educational psychology considered the foundation of education because psychology effects education in every field of teaching and learning process.

vi. Educational psychology covers the entire range of behaviour and personality as related to education.

vii. Psychology suggest use of different methods in teaching and learning to achieve better result.

24. Who was the chief supporter of individual aim of education?

Ans: Sir Thomas Percy Nunn was the chief supporter of individual aim of education.

25. What is meant by Education for Individuality? Write with it’s merits and demerits.

Ans: Education for individuality or Individual aim of education means the education of an individual growth which is refers to imparting knowledge according to the needs, desires, and interests of an individual for all round development of child’s power and natural development for optimization of his individuality in all its aspects.

             Sir Thomas Percy Nunn was the chief supporter this individual aim of education or education for individuality. According to him, “Individuality is the ideal of life.”

Advantages or Merits of Individual aim of Education:

i. Individual aim of Education helps to develop individual qualities and potentialities of a child who is unique biological in accordance with his nature.

ii. It helps to tech the child to respect the individual life.

iii. It can lead the individual self-realization of higher or supreme values of life.

iv. It also develop not only the individual excellence of each child but also enable him to understand the society.

Disadvantages or Demerits of Individual aim Education:

i. It can make individual selfish, self-centred and economical.

ii. It gives importance only on biological heredity but it denies the social heredity which is equally important.

iii. It ignores the socio-cultural influence as well as rich heritage of the country.

iv. It gives more freedom which may misuse it and might may cause more harmful by the little children.

v. It gives importance on individual development only but it denies the social development.

26. Who was the chief advocate of this social aim of education?

Ans: John Dewey was the chief advocate of this social aim of education.

27. Explain the social aim of education with it’s merits and demerits.

Ans: The social aim of education refers to consideration the social needs of society, stability, reconstruction, development and social adjustment. It is directly associated with the fulfilment of the social welfare of the society.

       John Dewey was the chief advocate of this social aim of education. He emphasized in his book “Democracy and Education” and “School and society” that the development of society is of prime importance for the development of individuality.

Advantages of Social aim of Education:

i. Social aim of education can helps to formulate its own progress of the society with the help of education.

ii. It helps to adjustment person to person to prepared a child to live as an effective member of the society.

iii. Man is a social animal by instinct. Therefore, this aim can helps to moulds and makes him a perfect human being.

iv. It also helps to make a close relationship between the school and the outside world.

Demerits of Social aim education:

i. It is against the development of individuality of the individual.

ii. Society ignores the legitimate needs, desires and interests of the individual.

iii. It reduces individual to a mere non-entity.

iv. It makes individual only as a tool of government.

28. The individual and social aim of education are not contradictory but complementary to each other. Discuss this statement.

Ans: Yes, although there are differences between individual and social aim of education but both are interdependent or complementary to each other because of the following different points of view which are mentioned below:

i. Individual and social aim of education both focus on the development of the society as a whole.

ii. The development of man depends on the development of society.

iii. The individual can not realize himself. Every human being is social by nature and he is capable of reaching his fullest development only in the society.

iv. John Dewey emphasized that ”the development of society is of prime importance for the development of individuality.”

v. Sir Percy Nunn believed that the individuals could develop their goodness in the need of a social environment.

vi. Again, Progressive thinkers feel that when individuals are developed society will automatically be developed.

        So therefore, we can say that individual can not survive without society and society also can not survive without individual. Both individual and social aim of education are interdependent and complementary to each other.

29. What is Vocational aim of Education? What makes this aim so important for the society?

Ans: In simple term, Vocational aim of Education means the education which is imparted the necessary education and training to their own children in the vocation to prepares people to work individual to be self-employed with requisite sill to move in their careers is called vocational aim of education.

          This aims are very important for the society which are mentioned in the following below:

i. Vocational aim makes one economically self sufficient.

ii. It can make individuals good, loyal and productive citizens.

iii. It may help to utilise individual capacity for social progress.

iv. It can serve the present reality of life and needs of individual.

v. It can solve the socio-economic problems including the problem of unemployment in the youths.

vi. It helps the state in making effective use of man power resources for country’s development.

30. Write two disadvantages of Vocational aim of education.

Ans: The two disadvantages of Vocational aim of education are mentioned below:

i. This aims fails to satisfy the mental and spiritual need of high order.

ii. It could not satisfy the cultural and aesthetic need of man.

31. Write short note on “Liberal aim of education.”

Ans: Liberal aim of education is that which is indicate the education entailed in the classical tradition of education. For example- art, music, literature and philosophy. This aim is also known as ‘Cultural aim of education.’

           This liberal aim of education helps students to develop a sense of social responsibility as well as strong and transferable intellectual and practical knowledge and skills in real world setting.

         This aim can serves the aesthetic, moral and spiritual need of man. It may also can help man to utilise his leisure hour in a more healthy and creative way.

32. What should be the aim of education in a democracy?

Ans: As we know that education is the great instrument of social emancipation by which democracy establishes, maintains and protects the spirit of equality among its members.

       Therefore, the aim of education in a democracy must be formulated on the basis of the following ways:

i. Creation of democratic personality or Development of personality:

For self expression and for the full development of human personality, education should develop literacy, artistic and cultural interests of the students. For this purpose subjects like- art, craft, music, dancing, etc. should be included in the scheme of studies.

ii. Education for leadership:

In order to make democracy function successful, it is essential to inculcate the qualities of leadership in our youth. Education should train the youth to provide leadership in the social, political, industrial and cultural fields.

iii. Developing national and international outlook:

The purpose of this aim of education is to make the citizens practise the values of democracy, love for our nation and have feeling of universal brotherhood and international understanding.

iv. Equalization of educational opportunity:

The true democratic education demands that education should be the birthright of every individual. So, equal educational opportunities should be provided to all members of the society.

v. Improvement of Vocational Efficiency:

In order to achieve this aim, education should be much greater emphasis on crafts and productive work introduced diversification of courses at the secondary stage like-agriculture, technical, commercial or other practical courses.

33. Make distinguish between Individual and social aim of Education.

Ans: The distinguish or difference between Individual and social aim of education are mentioned below:

i. Individual aim of education is based on philosophy of naturalism . On the other hand, Social aim of education is based on philosophy of pragmatism.

ii. Individual aim which gives importance on biological heredity of man, While social aim of education gives importance on social heredity of man.

iii. The aim of individual education is to development of man’s biological potential, Where as, the social aim of education is to attainment of social efficiency of man.

iv. This aim gives full freedom to the individuals for development, but The aim of social education gives full freedom and power to the state.

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