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Guiding Agencies of Education System helps:

  • To know about the UNESCO, UGC, NCERT, NCTE, SCERT, DIET etc. and their functions.
  • They are guiding agencies or resources which use to take responsibilities of deciding upon educational principles, planning, financial assistance, maintaining of the qualitative standard and so on.
  • Guiding agencies can help in globalisation of education and in promoting international understanding.

1. What are the full form of UNESCO, UGC, NCTE, NCERT, SCERT, DIET ?

Ans: The full form of UNESCO, UGC, NCTE, NCERT, DIET are:

UNESCO: United Nation Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization.

UGC: University Grants Commission.

NCTE: National Council for Teacher Education.

NCERT: National Council of Educational Research and Training.

SCERT: State Council of Educational Research and Training.

2. In which year was the UNESCO was established?

Ans: In the year 1945.

3. In which year was the UGC was established?

Ans: UGC was established in 28th November, 1953 at New Delhi.

4. When UGC become a stationary organization or autonomy of the Government of India?

Ans: UGC become a stationary organization of the Government of India by the act of parliament in 5th November, 1956.

5. UGC was established under the recommendation of ___________ commission. (Fill in the blank).

Ans: Radhakrishna commission or University Education Commission 1948.

6. Under which commission the UGC was established in the year of 1953?

Ans: Under the University Education Commission 1948 or Radhakrishna commission 1948.

7. What are the two main purpose to set up of UGC?

Ans: Two main purpose to set up of UGC are:

(a) Allocation and disbursement of grants to universities.

(b) Co-ordination and maintenance of standard of education in India.

8. Mention six power and functions of UGC.

Ans: The six power and functions of UGC are mentioned below:

(i) The main function of UGC is that it co-ordinates different aspects of university education.

(ii) It provides the financial assistance, allocates and disburses fund to universities and college to meet their requirement.

(iii) It advises a guide line to the central and state government on the allocation of grants to an university.

(iv) It encourage higher level research work and teaching activity by providing financial assistance.

(v) It also provide the grants for higher education and new programmes in the universities and colleges.

(vi) It maintains uniformity of high academic standard of the universities.

(vii) It provides the fellowship for teachers and project work for retired universities and colleges teacher.

(viii) It maintains standard of examination and in undertaking research and experimentation.

(ix) It helps in collecting information on all matters relating to university education in the country and abroad.

9. In which year was the NCERT was established?

Ans: NCERT was established on 1st September, 1961.

10. Where is the head quarter of NCERT?

Ans: The head quarter of NCERT is at New Delhi.

11. Mention three broad functions of NCERT.

Ans: The three broad functions of NCERT are mention below:

(a) Research and development.

(b) In-service and pre-service training.

(c) Extension and dissemination work.

12. Mention six main functions of NCERT.

Ans: The main four functions of NCERT are:

(i) The council undertakes research in the field of secondary education relating to problems of curriculum construction, method of teaching, preparation of text books, measurement and evaluation process.

(ii) It takes responsibility of innovations and development of the teaching aids and instructional materials for secondary schools.

(iii) The council organises the pre-service and in-service teacher training programme in collaboration with the state governments.

(iv) It runs the four Regional Colleges of Education at Ajmer, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar and Mysore for promotion of teacher education and research at higher level.

(v) It acts as a co-ordinating agency between the central and the state government relating to implementation of the policies and programmes of education.

(vi) It acts as a clearing house for ideas and information relating to all matters on school education.

13. Mention the three main objectives of setting up of SCERT at the state level.

Ans: The three main objectives of setting up of SCERT at the state level are mentioned below:

(a) To facilitate organization of activities of different units and departments and manage their total development.

(b) To development an inter-disciplinary approach to solve the educational problems of the state.

(c) To ease the administration and control of educational development activities.

14. Mention the name of any three academic departments of the SCERT.

Ans: The name of any three academic departments of the SCERT are:

(a) Department of Curriculum Development.

(b) Department of Educational Research and Examination Reform.

(c) Department of Teacher Education.

(d) Department of Science and Mathematics.

(e) Department of Languages Teaching.

(f) Department of Educational Technology.

(g) Department of Educational and Vocational Guidance.

(h) Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and SUPW.

15. Mention four functions of SCERT.

Ans: The four functions of SCERT are:

(i) The State council acts as a higher authority on development of school education and teacher education in the states.

(ii) It gives necessary instruction to the state government in regard to educational planning and policy making covering the entire 10+2 school education.

(iii) It gives instruction to the government on conducting educational research and on implementation of the research finding in the syllabi and curriculum.

(iv) The SCERT works through keeping coordination with the Secondary Board of Education and Higher Secondary Education Council of the state.

(v) It reviews and develops curriculum and text books for primary stage of education and for teacher training institutions.

16. In which year was the SCERT, Assam set up?

Ans: The SCERT, Assam set up on 29th March, 1985 at Guwahati.

17. Mention the name of any three academic departments of the SCERT, Assam.

Ans: The name of any three academic departments of the SCERT, Assam are:

(i) Department of Curriculum Development.

(ii) Department of Educational Research and Examination Reform.

(iii) Department of Teacher Education.

(iv) Department of Science and Mathematics and Language Teaching.

18. Mention four functions of SCERT, Assam.

Ans: The four functions of SCERT, Assam are:

(i) The State council of Assam takes responsibilities to undertake and assist in research and field studies on educational problems.

(ii) It develops curriculum and text books for school education and teacher education for training.

(iii) The council takes responsibilities to undertake all academic work relating to new educational policy.

(iv) It organize Seminars, Workshops etc. on improvement of teaching methodology.

19. Mention the name of any three academic branches of the DIET.

Ans: The name of any three academic branches of the DIET are:

(i) Pre-service Teacher Education Branch.

(ii) Work Experience Branch.

(iii) Educational Technology Branch.

(iv) Planning and Management Branch.

20. What are the three main functions of the DIET?

Ans: The three main functions of the DIET are;

(a) Teacher Training and Orientation programme.

(b) Academic and Resource Support.

(c) Action Research and Experimentation.

21. Mention four functions of NCTE according to the Act of 1973.

Ans: The four functions of NCTE according to the Act of 1973 are :

(i) To prepare a programme for in-service teacher education for orienting teachers for latest development.

(ii) To Prepare a guideline and specified requirements for starting new  courses and programmes under teacher-education.

(iii) To prepare a guideline with regard to minimum qualifications for the candidates to be employed as teacher-educators at different levels.

(iv) Methodology of teaching should be enriched by introducing self learning, problem solving and practical work.

Point to be Remember
  • The UNESCO was established in the year 1945 and its works divided into three main fields:

         (a) Educational.

         (b) Scientific.

         (c) Cultural.

  • UGC was established in 28th November, 1953 at New Delhi.
  • NCERT was established on 1st September, 1961 at New Delhi to provide academic support in improving the quality of school education in India.
  • The SCERT, Assam set up on 29th March, 1985 at Guwahati.
  • National Council of Teacher Education (NCTE) was set up in 1973 at New Delhi and It functions broadly under two heads:
  • (a) To regulate the functioning of the teacher training institutes.

    (b) To provide professional support to teachers and teacher education.

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