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  • Education Question Paper 2016 M.A 1st Sem KKHSOU
M.A 1st Sem, Examination, 2016
Subject : Education

Philosophical Foundation of Education

Time : 3 Hrs.      Full Marks : 80
1. Answer any five from the following questions (each within 50 words) :      2 x 5 = 10
(a) Mention the branches of philosophy.
(b) What is the meaning of “Purusha” ad “Prakriti” ?
(c) How can self-realization be achieved through education in Idealism ?
(d) What is the Gandhiji’s concept of ‘Nai-Talim’ ?
(e) What are the three aims of education according to Jainism ?
(f) ‘Science and philosophy are mutually dependent’. Explain.
2. Answer any three from the following questions (each within 150 words) :    4 x 3 =12
(a) What are the types of Naturalism ?
(b) Write the form of realism.
(c) What should be the aims of education according to existentialism ?
(d) State the basis of Marxist philosophy.
3. Answer any three questions from the following (each within 250 words) :    6 x 3 =18
(a) ‘Family is the first school of the child”. Discuss.
(b) How is education important to the process of growth and development of individual and society.
(c) Discuss the salient features of Nyaya philosophy.
(d) What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Marxist system of education.
4. Answer any four from the following questions. ( each within 500 words) :   10 x 4 =40
(a) What do you mean by Sankhya philosophy ? What are the salient features of the Sankhya philosophy ?   3 + 7 =10
(b) ‘Education and philosophy are the two sides of a coin’. Discuss how education and philosophy are interrelated.     10
(c) Discuss the relationship between the different sources and types of knowledge recognizes by the  Islamic philosophers.           5 + 5 =10
(d) What is Pragmatism ? Explain different aspects of pragmatism.     3 + 7 = 10
(e) Discuss the educational philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore and indicate how it was materialized in Shantiniketan.      5 + 5 = 10


M.A 1st Sem, Examination, 2016
Subject : Education

Psychological Foundation of Education

Time : 3 Hrs.        Full Marks : 80
1. Answer any five from the following questions (each within 50 words) :      2 x 5 = 10
(a) Why is Educational psychology called a science of education ?
(b) Write the four elements of the conditioning process.
(c) What are principles of classical conditioning ?
(d) What is Achievement Motivation Inventory ?
(e) List the four levels of concept development.
(f) Write some properties of traits.
2. Answer any three from the following questions (each within 150 words) :   4 x 3 =12
(a) Discuss briefly the laws of learning.
(b) Define interest. How can we arouse interest among the students ?
(c) Discuss in brief the steps of problem solving.
(d) Write briefly on ‘Creativity as new thinking’.
3. Answer any three from the following questions (each within 250 words) :    6 x 3 =18
(a) Discuss Skinner’s theory of operant conditioning with some of the concept used by him.
(b) Discuss the steps that can be given for developing of rational thinking.
(c) Write briefly about the relation between creativity and intelligence.
(d) What do you mean by Self-Reported Inventory ? Discuss its various types.
4. Answer any four from the following questions. ( each within 500 words) :   10 x 4 =40
(a) What is meant by educational psychology ? Write briefly about the scope of educational psychology.
(b) What is problem-solving ? Explain the steps that are followed in the task of problem-solving.
(c) What is creativity ? Write briefly about the non-verbal test of creative thinking.
(d) What is meant by mental hygiene ? Discuss the characteristics of a mentally healthy individual.
(e) What do you understand by Gestalt theory of learning ? State the implications of Gestalt theory in education.
M.A 1st Sem, Examination, 2016
Subject : Education

Sociological Foundation of Education

Time : 3 Hrs.      Full Marks : 80
1. Answer any five from the following questions (each within 50 words) :     2 x 5 = 10
(a) What is the relationship between education and sociology.
(b) What is meant by social disorganization ?
(c) List out the difference between organized group and unorganized group.
(d)What do you mean by social stratification ?
(e) Point out the differences between culture and civilization.
(f) Write the causes of cultural lag.
2. Answer any three from the following questions (each within 150 words) :   4 x 3 =12
(a) Explain in brief the different mechanism of social interaction.
(b) Difference between sympathetic and categorical contacts.
(c) What are the functions of the family as an agent of education ?
(d) Discuss the various factors affecting social mobility.
3. Answer any three from the following questions (each within 250 words) :    6 x 3 =18
(a) Discuss Durkheim’s three-fold classification of suicide.
(b) Write the factors which influence social organization.
(c) Discuss in brief Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory of Socialization.
(d) State the various characteristics of caste.
4. Answer any four from the following questions. ( each within 500 words) :  10 x 4 =40
(a)Critically discuss Merton’s Theory of Deirance.    10
(b)What is Group Dynamic ? Discuss its various characteristics.     3 + 7 =10
(c)Discuss the functions of the school as an active and formal agency.     10
(d)Discuss the salient features of Indian traditional culture.    10
(e)Define culture. Discuss its factors of cultural variability.     3 + 7 =10
M.A 1st Sem, Examination, 2016
Subject : Education

Methods and Techniques of Teaching and Teaching Practical

Time : 3 Hrs.        Full Marks : 80
1. Answer any four from the following questions (each within 50 words) :    2 x 4 = 8
(a) What is instructional model ?
(b) Write the types of teaching theories.
(c) Mention four characteristics of teaching objectives.
(d) What are classification of learning experience ?
(e) What is Analytic-Synthetic method ?
2. Answer any four from the following questions (each within 150 words) :   4 x 3 =12
(a) Differentiate between inductive and deductive methods of teaching.
(b) Mention some qualities that make a teacher effective in teaching.
(c) Discuss the steps that are followed in preparing a teaching lesson.
(d) Give a brief description of formative evaluation.
3. Answer any two from the following questions (each within 250 words) :   5 x 2 =10
(a)What do you mean by Verbal Illustration ? How can Verbal Illustration be used in teaching ?
(b) “Instructional theory is a theory of teaching”. Comment on this statement and describe the main features of this theory of teaching.
(c) Give an account of projective method of teaching along with its merits and demerits.
4. Answer any two from the following questions ( each within 500 words) :                10 x 2 =20
(a) Write a detailed note on Bloom’s theory of taxonomy.
(b) Discuss the steps that are used for writing teaching objectives.
(c) Discuss the role of teaching aids that are useful in the teaching learning process.
KKHSOU | Education | Notes | M.A 1st Sem |
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