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  • KKHSOU M.A 1st Sem 2022 Question Paper Education.

KKHSOU M.A 1st Sem 2022 Question Paper Education.

M.A 1st Semester (New) Exam. 2022 (W)

( Philosophical Foundation of Education )

[ PGED S1-01 ]
Full Marks : 70/80
Time : 3 hours
( Learners admitted in and after 2020 need to answer only Q.No.4 (total 70 marks)
1. Answer any five of the following questions ( each in around 50 words) :    2 x 5 = 10
(a) Define the term ‘Educational Philosophy’.
(b) State briefly the sub-traditions of Vedanta Philosophy.
(c) What are the five pillars of Islam.
(d) State two principles of pragmatism.
(e) Give short life sketch of John Heinrich Pestalozzi.
(f) What was the idea behind ‘man-making aim of education’ as advocated Vivekananda ?
2. Answer any four of the following questions (each in around 120 words) :   4 x 3 =12
(a) Write briefly on Samkhya Philosophy.
(b) What are the aims of education as prescribed by idealists?
(c) Critically analyse existentialism as a school of philosophy.
(d) What are the principles behind Montessori School ?
(e) What is Integral education as advocated by Sri Aurobindo Ghosh ?
3. Answer any four of the following questions (each in around 250 words) :   6 x 4 =24
(a) Make a comparative discussion between Buddhism and Jainism Philosophy in term of education.
(b) What is meant by naturalistic education ? What is its relevance of naturalistic education on modern era ?
(c) Discuss the educational philosophy of Kindergarten.
(d) How did Gandhiji incorporated his philosophy in his basic education ?
(e) How would you relate Sankardev’s philosophy in modern education system ?
4. Answer any three of the following questions. ( each in around 300 words) :   8 x 3 = 24
(a) What are the branches of Philosophy ? How would you relate Education with Philosophy ?
(b) Discuss the contribution of pragmatism in the field of education.
(c) What is sense-training as advocated by Montessori ? How did Montessori contributed to the educational society ?
(d) Discuss the educational philosophy of Swami Vivekananda.
(Q. No. 5 is only for learners admitted before 2020)
5. Answer anyone of the following questions ( in around 350 words) :   10×1=10
(a) Discuss the features of Islamic education ? What are its implications in present education system ?     4+6=10
(b) Critically analyse Pestalozzi’s education system in terms of modern education.


M.A 1st Semester (New) Exam. 2022 (W)

( Psychological Foundation of Education )

[ PGED S1-02 ]
Full Marks : 70/80
Time : 3 hours
( Learners admitted in and after 2020 need to answer only Q.No.4 (total 70 marks)
1. Answer any five of the following questions ( each in around 50 words) :   2 x 5 = 10
(a) Observation can be defined as the ‘measurement without instruments’. Justify.
(b) Point out two differences between growth and development.
(c) What is called shaping ?
(d) Specify two roles of constructivist teacher.
(e) Write the derivative meaning of motivation.
(f) What are the elements of Spearman’s theory.
2. Answer any four of the following questions (each in around 120 words) :   4 x 3 =12
(a) Classify the different types of intelligence tests.
(b) State the relationship between creativity and intelligence.
(c) Give a brief description on the ‘Trace Decay Theory’ of memory.
(d) Summarize the approaches to problem solving.
(e) What are the categories of traits of personality given by R. B. Cattell ?
3. Answer any four of the following questions (each in around 250 words) :    6 x 4 =24
(a) Who are called mentally retarded children ? What types of education should be designed for these children ?Explain.   2+4=6
(b) Define mental health. Discuss the measures taken by schools to maintain the proper mental health and hygiene of students.   2+4=6
(c) Enumerate the causes of maladjustment.
(d) Evaluate the utility of aptitude test in the field of education.
(e) Define delinquency. Indicate the characteristics of delinquents.       2+4=6
4. Answer any three of the following questions. ( each in around 300 words) :    8 x 3 = 24
(a) State the Etymological meaning of ‘Psychology’. Describe the scope of Educational Psychology.    2+6=8
(b) Illustrate the Gestalt theory of learning by insight. What are the educational implications of insightful learning ?   3+5=8
(c) Why motivation is important for learning ? How will you motivate children in the classroom teaching ?    4+4=8
(d) What is called adjustment mechanism ? Describe in details the common adjustment mechanisms.    2+6=8
(Q. No. 5 is only for learners admitted before 2020)
5. Answer anyone of the following questions ( in around 350 words) :   10×1=10
(a) What are the different types of transfer ? Describe the theories of transfer of learning.    3+7=10
(b) Indicate the nature of aptitude. Give a description of differential Aptitude Test Battery in details.    3+7=10


M.A 1st Semester (New) Exam. 2022 (W)

( Sociological Foundation of Education )

[ PGED S1-03 ]
Full Marks : 70/80
Time : 3 hours
( Learners admitted in and after 2020 need to answer only Q.No.4 (total 70 marks)
1. Answer any five from the following questions ( each in around 50 words) :   2 x 5 = 10
(a) What is primary socialization ?
(b) Write two characteristics of social organisation.
(c) What are the criteria of modernity ?
(d) What is meant by cultural diffusion ?
(e) Explain the concept of equity and equality.
(f) Explain the narrower and broader meaning of poverty.
2. Answer any four from the following questions (each in around 120 words) :   4 x 3 =12
(a) Explain the role of family as an agent of socialization.
(b) Write three characteristics of social disorganisation.
(c) Describe briefly the role of teachers in bringing social change.
(d) Write any three constitutional provision of socially disadvantaged sections of society.
(e) Discuss the concept of child labour.
3. Answer any four from the following questions (each in around 250 words) :    6 x 4 =24
(a) Define socialization. Why socialization is important ?   2+4=6
(b) Discuss the relationship between education and social stratification.
(c) Define social mobility. Explain how status an education help in social mobility.   2+4=6
(d) Discuss the meaning and nature of culture.
(e) Explain the need of providing equality of educational opportunity.
4. Answer any three from the following questions. ( each in around 300 words) 8 x 3 = 24
(a) Discuss in details the importance of sociology as a subject of study.
(b) Discuss the inter-group relationship and age group dynamics.
(c) Explain the basic principles of success of democracy.
(d) What is meant by social control ? Explain different types pf social control.    2+6=8
(Q. No. 5 is only for learners admitted before 2020)
5. Answer anyone from the following questions ( in around 350 words) :    10×1=10
(a) What is social group ? Discuss the characteristics of social group.    3+7=10
(b) Explain the meaning of democracy by pointing out different definitions. How does an informal agency help democratic education ?    4+6=10


M.A 1st Semester (New) Exam. 2022 (W)

 ( Methods and Techniques of Teaching and Teaching Practices )

[ PGED S1-04 ]
Full Marks : 50
Time : 2 hours
( Learners admitted in and after 2020 need to answer only Q.No.4 (total 50 marks)
1. Answer any five from the following questions ( each in around 50 words) :   3×3 =9
(a) What do you mean by ‘Principle of Flexibility of teaching ?
(b) Describe ‘questioning’ as a techniques of teaching.
(c) How do you correlate good teaching with teaching device ?
(d) How does teaching aids help in retention of learning ?
2. Answer any one from the following questions (each in around 200 words) :     5×1=5
(a) How does taxonomy of educational objectives help in an instructional situation ?
(b) How can field trips be used as teaching aids ?
3. Answer any two from the following questions (each in around 250 words) :    6 x 2 =12
(a) What do mean by group dynamics ? How does it affect in teaching ?
(b) Differentiate between teaching strategies and teaching methods.
(c) Write the essentials of a good lesson unit.
4. Answer any three from the following questions. ( each in around 300 words) :    8 x 3 = 24
(a) Why are the knowledge of taxonomy of instructional objectives important for a teaching in an instructional situation ? Discuss.
(b) Why is it important to use teaching devices in classroom transactions ? Discuss with suitable examples.
(c) Discuss the significance of teaching aids in the context of classroom teaching.
(d) Prepare a lesson plan on a school subject of your choice.


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M.A 1st Sem | Education | Notes | KKHSOU |
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