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Full marks: 100

Pass marks: 30

Time: Three hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

  1. No. 1 carries 1 marks each …………………. 1 x 12 = 12
  2. No. 2 carries 2 marks each …………………. 2 x 12 = 24
  3. No. 3 carries 4 marks each …………………. 4 x 10 = 40
  4. No. 4 carries 6 marks each …………………. 6 x 4 = 24

                                                                          Total = 100

1. Answer the following questions: (any twelve) : 1x 12 = 12

Fill in the Blanks:

(a) ‘Assam Secondary Education Board’ was established on the basis of the recommendation of the ____________ .

Ans: Secondary Education Commission.

(b) The name of the second largest Open University of the world is _____________ .

Ans: Anadolu University, Turkey.

(c) ‘World Environment Day’ is observed on ____________ .

Ans: Every year 5th June.

(d) Tbilisi International Conference on Environmental Education was held on ________________ .

Ans: 1977

(e) The basis of reward and punishment in education is the laws of _______________ of learning.

Ans: Law of Effect.

(f) _____________ method of learning establishes bond between natural tendency and artificial stimulus.

Ans: Classical conditioning method

  • Give Short Answer in one sentence :

(g) Mention one objective of non-formal education.

Ans: The one objective of non-formal education is to promote awareness for literacy programme for national and individual development.

(h) What is Physical Education?

Ans: Physical Education is nothing but it a part of general education which gives us knowledge on health for growth and development to lead a happy and prosperous life of an individual is known as Physical Education.

(i) What is the meaning of insightful learning ?

Ans: Insightful method of learning is an intellectual activity that involves the power of observation, perception and insight of the learner which takes place as a ‘whole’ or ‘total pattern’.

(j) “We attend to a small stain on a white wall” – why ?

Ans: If one’s mentally not ready to pay attention but his mind his drawn towards that stimulant by the strong attractive capacity then we attend to a small stain on a white wall.

(k) Write the formula for finding out Mean by ‘Assumed Mean Method’.

Ans: The formula for finding out Mean by ‘Assumed Mean Method is –

M=A.M+  (∑fxꜘ)/N x i

(l) From a batch of 15 students who had appeared for an examination. 5 students failed. The marks of the successful students were – 48, 78, 55, 72, 40, 66, 60, 44, 70, 58. Calculate the median.

Ans: 53

2. Write two problems of Secondary Education in Assam. 2

Ans: two problems of Secondary Education in Assam are mentioned below:

i. Defective Text book:

The quality of text books, teachers guides and teaching materials is not satisfactory.

ii. Improper evaluation system:

The evaluation system of secondary education is not free from evil. It is basically dominated by external examination.

3. Mention two important impact of Kothari Commission on the secondary education of Assam. 2

Ans: The two important impact of Kothari Commission on the secondary education of Assam are :

i. Secondary education should be job oriented and greater importance should be given to education in agriculture, science, industrial and technical subjects and also greater importance should be attached to the acquisition of practical knowledge or skills.

ii. It should be related to life and it can not afford to ignore the inculcation of social, moral and spiritual values.

4. ‘ All open education is distance education but all distance education is not open education’. Give two reasons. 2

Ans: ‘All open education is distance education but all distance education is not open education.’ The two reasons are:

 (i) Distance education system is merely a ‘fringe form of traditional education.’ But open education is an innovative process of education.

(ii) Distance education has strict rules and regulation, permanent location, fix time table and age bar. But Open education is open to all who are desirous of learning. There is no upper age limit and qualification bar for admission. Any person who have completed the age of 14 year can join.

5. Why non-formal education is called complementary to formal education ? Give two reasons. 2

Ans: The two reasons of non-formal education is called complementary to formal are mentioned below:

(i) Non-formal education has emerged as one of the alternatives of formal system of education and it is a need-based education in a free atmosphere those who are late-bloomer, dropouts and to the deprived classes.

(ii) Non-formal education is developed as a result of our interest in making education a life long affair rather than a matter of formal schooling education which aims at development of productivity and improvement of quality of life in the individuals as well as national level.

6. Mention two characteristics of population education. 2

Ans : The two characteristics of population education are mentioned below:

(a) Population Education is purely an educational programme.

(b) Population Education studies the relationship of man and environment with regard to his quality of life.

7. Write two principles of Environmental Education. 2

Ans: The principles of Environmental education are:

(a) To consider a continuous life long process from pre-school to all higher levels formal as well as non-formal.

(b) To examine major environmental issues form local, national, regional and international point of view problems.

8. Mention with which laws of learning the following proverbs are related : 1+1=2

(i) Habit is the second nature.

(ii) Success leads to success.

Ans: (i) Law of exercise.

(ii) Law of effect.


9. Mention two differences between learning and maturation. 2

Ans: The two difference between Maturation and Learning are mentioned below:

(a) Learning is a result of Environmental Stimulus. On the other hand, Maturation is biological in nature.

(b) Maturation occurs due to neural and muscular development. On the other hand, Learning takes place through practice and experience.

10. ‘Loud voice or noise and glittering light immediately attract our attention’ – Explain the reasons. 2

Ans: Loud voice or noise and glittering light immediately attract our attention because this is done on the basis of the attractive ability of the object or the idea of attention. So that if the object or the stimulant of the environment is very strong and attractive, it draw’s one’s attention immediately.

11. Write two differences between Polygon and Histogram. 2

Ans: The two difference between polygon and histogram are:

(i) The frequency polygon is a line graph of the given frequency distribution whereas, Histogram is essentially the bar graph of this distribution.

(ii) In the frequency polygon, all of the scores within given interval are represented by the midpoint of the interval. But in a histogram the scores are spread uniformly over the entire interval.

(iii) Frequency polygon gives a much better conception to know the trend of the distribution, But a Histogram is unable to tell such a thing.

12. “Forgetting is necessary for memory” – Give reasons. 2

Ans: It is true that forgetting is necessary for memory because we know that retentive capacity, which is so essential for memory of an individual and it is an inherited ability and it is limited. That is, why forgetting helps mind to push necessary and old ideas into unconsciousness and thus made space to learn and retain new experiences. Therefore, we can say that forgetting is necessary for memory.

13. Mention two types of graph. 2

Ans: The two types of graph are:

(i) Frequency Polygon

(ii) Histogram

Calendar of Content List:
January 2025
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