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Solve Education Paper 2020

Here is about Solution of 2020 Education Question Paper for Class-12



Full marks: 100

Pass marks: 30

Time: Three hours

 The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

  1. No. 1 carries 1 marks each …………………. 1 x 12 = 12
  2. No. 2 carries 2 marks each …………………. 2 x 12 = 24
  3. No. 3 carries 4 marks each …………………. 4 x 10 = 40
  4. No. 4 carries 6 marks each …………………. 6 x 4 = 24

                                                                             Total = 100

1. Answer the following questions: (any twelve) 1 x 12 = 12
Fill in the Blanks:
(a) The Indira Gandhi National Open University was established in ______________ .

Ans: 1985

(b) The name of the first secondary school Assam is ____________ .

Ans: Cotton Collegiate Government Higher Secondary School.

(c) The concept of ‘Population Education’ was developed by the American Sociologist ____________ .
(d) Gestalt is a _________ word which means ‘whole’ or ‘total pattern’.

Ans: German word

(e) The attention which is paid by an individual without any outside inferences or force is known as __________ attention.

Ans: Voluntary attention

(f) In a polygon, frequencies are plotted on _____________ .

Ans: Midpoint of class interval.

  • Give Short Answer in one sentence :

(g) Which Education Commission suggested  the 10+2+3 structure of education ?

Ans: Kothari Commission 1964-66

(h) Who first introduced the concept of Correspondence Education system ?

Ans: Sir Isaac Pitman

(i) Write the name of the first Open University in India.

Ans: Dr. B.R Ambedkar Andra Pradesh Open University.

(j) What is logical memory ?

Ans: The memory which one learn and acquire experience using logical and analytical abilities to take into consideration the purposeful and insightful learning is called Logical Memory.

(k) “Interest is latent attention and attention is interest in action.” Who said this statement ?

Ans: William Mc. Dougal.

(l) Write the formula for finding out third quartile from grouped data. 


2. Write two aims of secondary education recommended by Secondary Education Commission 1952-53.

Ans: The two aims of secondary education recommended by Secondary Education Commission 1952-53

i. Development of Personality:

As we know that man is a social animal, So he should have the spirit of cooperation, discipline, humility, love, kindness and the feeling of brotherhood. So, for the development of personality, the curriculum must have the subjects like – science, literature, fine arts, humanities, music and dace which inculcate these virtues in students.

ii. Education for Leadership:

Secondary Education should develop the quality of leadership in students. This quality is very necessary for the sake of democracy and for the development of the country as a whole in various fields of life, namely – social, cultural, political, industrial, etc.

3. Write two importance of vocationalization of secondary education. 2

Ans: The two importance of vocationalization of secondary education are mention below:

i. It can solve the socio-economic problems including the problem of unemployment in the youths.

ii. It helps the state in making effective use of man power resources for country’s development.

4. Mention two salient features of Non-formal Education.     2

Ans: The two salient features of Non-formal Education are:

i. Non formal Education is organised education outside the formal education.

ii. It is a cost effective system of education

5. Why distance education is important for the present society ?    2

Ans: Distance education is important for the present society because of the following;

(i) It helps to provide higher education to those who wish to upgrade or acquire knowledge through in various fields.

(ii) It helps to develop knowledge and skills in different areas which are hitherto covered by formal education system.

(iii) It also helps to provide access to quality higher education to the people of the region who are deprived of higher education due to various reasons.

(iv) It helps to develop and provide easily accessible modes of quality higher education and training with the use of latest educational inputs and technology.

6. ‘Physical education leads to a healthy life’. Give two reasons. 2

Ans: Yes, it is true that physical education leads to a healthy life because-

(i) Physical education makes a man mentally healthy and makes strong personality.

(ii) It also helps to make an individual good relationship with the members of the society.

7. Write two importance of women empowerment. 2

Ans: The two importance of women empowerment are given below:

(i) Encouraging girls for all kinds of vocational, technical, and professional education as per their needs, interest and attitudes.

(ii) Inculcating the values of gender equality and gender justice through education should get priority in the educational system.

8. Write two subjective factors of learning. 2

Ans: The two subjective factors of learning are:

(i) Motivation:

Motivation refers to the internal state that derives the learner towards some goal. So that an individual motivation or the urge to learn brings about better learning. That is why, Motivation is one of the most important factor of learning.

(ii) Intertest and Attitude:

Interest and attitude are important factors for successful learning. We will learn faster if we interested in the material to be learnt. So that active intent to learn on the part of the learner is always better learning than passive attention given by them.

9. Write briefly the two types of law of exercise in learning. 2

Ans: The two types of laws of exercise in learning are briefly discussed below:

(i) Law of use:

It refers to the strengthening of connection with practice.

(ii) Law of disuse:

while it refers to the weakening of connection or forgetting when the practice is discontinued.

10. Write two marks of good memory. 2

Ans: The two marks of good memory are:

i. Rapidity or Ability to learn quickly and easily:

It means that how accurately a person can recall his experience. If he is able to do so that he has a good memory.

ii. Accuracy or Accurate and reproduction:

It means that how accurately a person can recall his past experience. If he is able to reproduce his past learning without any mistake, it means that he has a good memory.

11. Mention two points showing the relationship between education and mental hygiene. 2

Ans: The two points showing the relationship between education and mental health are mentioned below:

(i) Both education and mental health has specific importance for a better and balanced growth of personality.

(ii) For the progress of individual and social life both education and mental health should be quite sound. Without sound mental health, no individual can lead a peaceful life. For education also, there is the need of sound mental health.

12. Mention two importance of statistics in education. 2

Ans: The two importance of statistics in education are mention below:

(i) To make prediction:

It helps the teacher to render guidance to the students to make prediction regarding their future progress.

(ii) To know individual difference:

Statistics also helps to know individual difference of the students in terms of their academic performance.

13. Find the Mean and Median from the following data : 1+1=2

42, 28, 34, 52, 65, 71, 50, 56

Ans: Let check Chapter 7 Statistics and application in Education in details.
Calendar of Content List:
February 2025

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