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  • Class-12 | Education | Question Papers | 2020 |
  • AHSEC | Class-12 | Education | Question Papers | 2022 |

Class-12 | Education | Question Papers | 2020 |



Full marks: 100
Pass marks: 30
Time: Three hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
1. Answer the following questions: (any twelve)      1x 12 = 12
Fill in the Blanks:
(a) The Indira Gandhi National Open University was established in ______________ .
(b) The name of the first secondary school Assam is ____________ .
(c) The concept of ‘Population Education’ was developed by the American Sociologist ___________ .
(d) Gestalt is a _________ word which means ‘whole’ or ‘total pattern’.
(e) The attention which is paid by an individual without any outside inferences or force is known as __________ attention.
(f) In a polygon, frequencies are plotted on _____________ .
  • Give Short Answer in one sentence :
(g) Which Education Commission suggested  the 10+2+3 structure of education ?
(h) Who first introduced the concept of Correspondence Education system ?
(i) Write the name of the first Open University in India.
(j) What is logical memory ?
(k) “Interest is latent attention and attention is interest in action.” Who said this statement ?
(l) Write the formula for finding out third quartile from grouped data.
2. Write two aims of secondary education recommended by Secondary Education Commission 1952-53.    2
3. Write two importance of vocationalization of secondary education.    2
4. Mention two salient features of Non-formal Education.    2
5. Why distance education is important for the present society ?     2
6. ‘Physical education leads to a healthy life’. Give two reasons.    2
7. Write two importance of women empowerment.      2
8. Write two subjective factors of learning.      2
9. Write briefly the two types of law of exercise in learning.     2
10. Write two marks of good memory.      2
11. Mention two points showing the relationship between education and mental hygiene.     2
12. Mention two importance of statistics in education.      2
13. Find the Mean and Median from the following data :     1+1=2
42, 28, 34, 52, 65, 71, 50, 56
14. Write briefly the suggestions given by Kothari Commission regarding structure of secondary education.     4
15. Write four provision of the Secondary Education Act of Assam (1961).   4
16. Discuss four merits of Open Education.    4
17. What is Environmental Education ? Write three principles of Environmental Education.    1+3=4
18. Discuss four characteristics of learning.    4
19. Discuss the four stages involved in the process of memory.   2+2=4
20. Discuss four characteristics of a mentally healthy person.    4
21. Discuss the role of school in promoting proper mental health of students.    4


“A mentally healthy person is also in need of mental hygiene”. Give reasons.       4
22. What is histogram ? Draw a histogram from the following distribution table : (use graph paper)     1+3=4

Class interval   Frequency  

80-89                    2                    

70-79                    4                    

60-69                    5                    

50-59                    8                    

40-49                   12                    

30-39                    7

20-29                    6

10-19                    4

    0-9                    2


 What is Bar Diagram ? Discuss the different types Bar Diagram with examples.?    1+3=4
23. What is Quartile Deviation ? Write three advantages of measure of Quartile Deviation.    1+3=4
24. What is Population Education ? Suggest four measures for imparting Population Education in educational institution.  2+4=6  


What is Value Education ? Discuss the need and importance of Value Education.    2+4=6          
25. What is meant by insightful method of learning ? Write the educational significance of insightful method of learning.    2+4=6


What do you mean by Learning by conditioning ? Write four educational implications of conditioning method of learning.    2+4=6
26. What is forgetting ? Discuss four physical causes of forgetting.    2+4=6


What is Attention ? Discuss the importance of Attention and Interest in education.      2+4=6
27. What is Median ? Compute Median from the following table :    1+5=6

Class interval   Frequency

60-64                    2

55-59                    4

50-54                    5

45-49                    8

40-44                  10

35-39                  12

30-34                    8

25-29                    5

20-24                    2

15-19                    2

10-14                    2

                     N = 60


AHSEC | Class-12 | Education | Question Papers | 2022 |



Full marks: 100
Pass marks: 30
Time: Three hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
1. Answer the following questions: (any twelve)    1x 12 = 12
Fill in the Blanks:
(a) Gauhati University was established in ___________ .
(b) In the year ___________ the Correspondence Education System was started in India.
(c) The World Environment Day is observed on ____________ .
(d) Edward Lee Thorndike’s Trial and Error method of learning is also known as Theory of __________________ .
(e) In a multiple choice question, a student can identify the correct answer with the help of ____________ process.
(f) All scores are taken into consideration in finding out __________ as measure of Central Tendency.
  • Give Short Answer in one sentence :
(g) What is Distance Education ?
(h) “Learning is the acquisition of new behaviour or the strengthening and weakening of old behaviour as a result of experience.” Who said this statement ?
(i) Who was the propounder of Classical Conditioning Theory of learning ?
(j) “Memory is the ideal revival…… in which the object of past experiences are reinstated as  far as possible in the order and manner of their original occurrence.”  Who said this ?
(k) What is volitional or voluntary attention ?
(l) Write the formula for finding out Median from group data.
2. Write two aims of Secondary Education recommended by Mudaliar Commission.     2
3. Write two suggestions of Kothari Commission regarding education and productivity.    2
4. Write two objectives of Non-formal Education.    2
5. Write two significant aspects of Distance Education.    2
6. Write two principles of Environmental Education.     2
7. What do you mean by Value Education ?    2
8. Mention two differences between maturation and learning.    2
9. Write two mental causes of forgetting.   2
10. Mention two sources or factors that influence the interest of an individual.    2
11. Mention two social qualities of a mentally healthy person.     2
12. Mention any two steps you have to follow for classifying scores into a frequency distribution table.    2
13. Find Mean and Median from the following the data:    1+1= 2
48, 45, 92, 56, 68, 85, 72, 74, 64, 90
14. Discuss four major problems of Secondary Education in Assam.     4
15. Discuss four merits of Open Education System.    4
16. “Physical Education does neither train up the soul nor body, but the whole man.” Discuss the statement.    4
17. Discuss the educational significance of learning by insight.     4


Discuss four characteristics of conditioning learning.       4
18. Discuss how does a teacher can develop attention and interest of students in classroom situation.     4
19. Write which types of memory operate in the following situations:     1+1+1+1=4

(a) Answering essay types questions.

(b) Driving a car.

(c) Solving mathematical problems.

(d) An adult person can recall some incidents happened in his early life.

20. Discuss the purpose of Mental Hygiene.     4


Discuss the functions of Mental Hygiene.   4
21. Discuss the role of family in promoting proper mental health of children.     4
22. What do you mean by measure of central tendency ? Mention three advantages of Median as a measure of central tendency.    1+3=4


What do mean by measure of variability or dispersion ? Write three advantages of the measure of quartile deviation.
23. What is Frequency Polygon ? Draw a frequency polygon from the following distribution table : ( Use graph paper) 1+3=4

Class interval   Frequency

60-64                   12  

55-59                    7 

50-54                    6

45-49                    4

40-44                    3

35-39                    3

30-34                    6

25-29                    3

20-24                    2

                     N = 50


What is Pie Diagram ? Represent the following data of students enrolment in a Primary School by a pie diagram.    1+3=4

Class      No. of students    Degree⁰ 

 I                 50               

 II                40

III                35     

IV                35 

V                 40

      Total = 160

25. Discuss the power and functions of “Board of Secondary Education, Assam” as given by the ‘Secondary Education Act of Assam, 1961’.    6


What do you mean by Women Empowerment ? Discuss the role of education in women empowerment.        6
26. What do you mean by learning ? Discuss the important subjective factors of learning.    6


What is Trial and Error method of learning ? Discuss the major laws of learning propounded by Edward Lee Thorndike.    6
27. What is Mean ? Compute Mean from the following distribution table by Assumed Mean Method.    1+5=6

Class interval   Frequency

80-84                    3                    

75-79                    4                    

70-74                    7                    

65-69                    8                    

60-64                    12  

 55-59                   7 

50-54                    4

45-49                    3

40-44                    2

                     N = 50


Previous Year Question Paper | Class-12 | AHSEC |

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