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AHSEC Class-11 Education Notes

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AHSEC Class-11 Education Notes


Introduction :

Education has always been considered as instrumental in bringing desired changes in the society. So, in the present context the importance of the subject “Education” has been enhanced. The versatility of the subject is going emerge as science, technology as well as social science. In view of these facts the dynamic nature of the field of Education should be stressed so that the national goal is attained.

General Objectives :

The Higher Secondary Course with Education is to be treated both as terminal and preparatory to Higher Education. For this the general objectives of the course should be stressed at-

(a)    helping the pupils in gaining maturity of understanding and appreciation of the whole process of development.

(b)   to develop skills and for application of knowledge gained in real life.

(c)   to develop a deeper perception of the subject.

Specific Objectives :

 (a)   To acquaint the students with the basic concept of Education and Psychology.

(b)    To inculcate among the student’s scientific outlook and ability to perceive the practical problems of education.

(c)    To make the students familiar with the process of change and development of educational principles and methods, in relation to the changing needs of the society.

(d)   The develop social efficiency and the sense of loyalty to the Nation. 

(e)   To appreciate the role of Education of quality in enhancing the life of human being. 

(f)    Need of the subject Education is felt for professional growth of teachers.

One Paper    Time: Three hours    Marks : 100

Unit-wise Distribution of Marks & Periods :

Unit                            Topics           MarksPeriods

Unit-1  Concept and aims of Education. 15 -30

Unit-2 Stages of Human Development.   10-20

Unit-3  School and its Organization.         25-40

Unit-4  Psychology and Education.           10-20

Unit- 5  Physical Basis of Mental life.       10-20

Unit-6  Bases and Direction of

             Human behaviour.                          10-20

Unit-7  Primary Education in

             India and Assam.                            20-30

Total :                                                        100-180

Unit-wise Distribution of Course Contents :

Unit-1 : Concept and aims of Education :   (Marks 15)

(a)     Meaning, definition, scope and types of education.    05

(b)     Aims of education- Individual, Social, vocational and Democratic aim.   05

(c)     Relation with Biology, Sociology, Philosophy, Economics and Statistics.   05

Unit – 2 : Stages of Human Development :         ( Marks  10 )

(a)     Infancy.    03     

(b)     Childhood.   03

(c)     Adolescence.   04

Unit -3 : School and its Organization :         (Marks 25)

(a)     Physical resources – School building and equipment’s, library, role of technology in education (computer, internet, E-mail, teleconferencing, website).   05

(b)     Human Resources – Teacher – Multiple role of teacher as motivator, Facilitator, Counsellor, Innovator, their role in the school and society.    Students – Their role in the – school and society.     10

(c)    Guiding agencies – NCERT, UGC, SCERT, DIET.    05

(d)    Curriculum – Concept and need, principles of curriculum construction, co-curricular activities.    05

Unit – 4 : Psychology and Education.          (Marks 10)

(a)    Concept, scope and relation between Education and Psychology.    05

(b)    Educational Psychology and its significance.     05

Unit – 5 : Physical basis of mental life :    (Marks 10)

(a)    Central Nervous System.    04

(b)    Receptors and effectors.    02

(c)    Knowing process – concept of sensation, perception and  conception.     04 

Unit – 6 :  Bases and Direction oh Human Behaviour :      (Marks 10) 

 (a)    Concept of Needs, Drives, Instinct, and Emotion.     05

(b)     Habit – Its importance, Formation and dissolution of bad habits.    05

Unit – 7 : Primary Education in India and Assam :    (Marks 20)   

(a)      Indigenous system of education ( Gurkula, Pathsala, Tol, Satra, Maktab & Madrassa, Monitorial system) .     05

(b)    Missionsry contribution towards education in Assam.     05

(c)    Charter Act of 1813, Woods Dispatch of 1854, Hunter Commission of 1882, Lord Curzon’s Policy of 1901 .Gokhale’s contribution to primary education, Wardha Scheme of 1935, Primary education Act in Assam 1926.     05

(d)    Universalisation of Primary education since Independence.     05    

Prescribed Textbook  :  Education ( in English), Published by AHSEC..                                    

শিক্ষা ( in Assamese), Published by AHSEC.


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